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Any Bass Showing Yet?

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right then chaps here it is, high tide was at 1;50 yesterday so i took a half day holiday from work so that me and a mate could have a last attempt at the bass before the rain came and pushed them all out the estuary. we arrived at around 12;00 and the bore was just srarting to rush in signaling the start of the flood. its unfishable for the first 20 mins as an 8oz wont even hold bottom and with weed that comes with it its just not worth casting, when we did start fishing it was pretty quite until around 1 oclock when we started to catch a few flatties which was all we caught right up until high tide and ended up with 9 between us. we carried on fishing in slack water for 45 mins and just as the tide started to ebb my mates rod went with a bang and nearly ripped it of the tripod while he was on the bloody phone! now its worth mentioning that this is not a sea fisherman and a compleate novice to it, but he has done some course fishing and played the fish like a pro! he was only using an old carp rod of mine with a 2oz grip lead and a 1 up 1 down flapper rig with 1\o hooks and black lug around 40 yards out! but after a 20 minute fight and several good powerful surges for the open sea we managed to scramble down of the rocks on to a little beach in a cove an catch it on a few waves to bring it safely to shore :boogy: a nice big prime bass of 7lbs caught on light tackle by a novice! you can imagine the smile on his face, the poor lad didnt stop shaking for an hour after and refused to leave the beach until all the water had gone lol initialy weight on some rusty old scales in my box at 6lbs we weighed it again when we got back to the pub on my mates kitchen scales (hes a chef) and confirmed my scales are shite as it was bang on 7lbs. now i no we shouldnt have taken a fish of that size in prime sexual maturity but it was only this lads 3rd time sea fishing and hes managed a bass every trip so far and put them all back even tho one was a taker so when he said hed like to keep this one i couldnt really argue. if somebody would be so kind as to put pics up for me (im a computer retard) then i can email them.

thanks for reading

tight lines

ant :toast:

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right then chaps here it is, high tide was at 1;50 yesterday so i took a half day holiday from work so that me and a mate could have a last attempt at the bass before the rain came and pushed them all

Here you go mate, lovely fish  

mullet most probably

right then chaps here it is, high tide was at 1;50 yesterday so i took a half day holiday from work so that me and a mate could have a last attempt at the bass before the rain came and pushed them all out the estuary. we arrived at around 12;00 and the bore was just srarting to rush in signaling the start of the flood. its unfishable for the first 20 mins as an 8oz wont even hold bottom and with weed that comes with it its just not worth casting, when we did start fishing it was pretty quite until around 1 oclock when we started to catch a few flatties which was all we caught right up until high tide and ended up with 9 between us. we carried on fishing in slack water for 45 mins and just as the tide started to ebb my mates rod went with a bang and nearly ripped it of the tripod while he was on the bloody phone! now its worth mentioning that this is not a sea fisherman and a compleate novice to it, but he has done some course fishing and played the fish like a pro! he was only using an old carp rod of mine with a 2oz grip lead and a 1 up 1 down flapper rig with 1\o hooks and black lug around 40 yards out! but after a 20 minute fight and several good powerful surges for the open sea we managed to scramble down of the rocks on to a little beach in a cove an catch it on a few waves to bring it safely to shore :boogy: a nice big prime bass of 7lbs caught on light tackle by a novice! you can imagine the smile on his face, the poor lad didnt stop shaking for an hour after and refused to leave the beach until all the water had gone lol initialy weight on some rusty old scales in my box at 6lbs we weighed it again when we got back to the pub on my mates kitchen scales (hes a chef) and confirmed my scales are shite as it was bang on 7lbs. now i no we shouldnt have taken a fish of that size in prime sexual maturity but it was only this lads 3rd time sea fishing and hes managed a bass every trip so far and put them all back even tho one was a taker so when he said hed like to keep this one i couldnt really argue. if somebody would be so kind as to put pics up for me (im a computer retard) then i can email them.

thanks for reading

tight lines

ant :toast:

Get that bad boy on the barbie with a dressing made from fresh lime, chille, ginger and garlic mixed in olive oil just pour into the cav and bang it on :yes: :yes:

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Sounds nice mate! We've already decided it's going on the BBQ because it won't fit in either of our ovens lol

Does anyone fancy putting a pic up for me?

Pm sent mate

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Nice one! :good:


Why is it always novices that seem to land the big fish? :(:laugh: A bloke I know had his brother down here visiting from Rugby years ago, he took him sea fishing for the first time and he caught a double figure bass! :yes: He was in the local paper with it and all! :laugh:

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