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So, Tell Us, What Are Ye All At In The Veg Garden?

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Cleaned the bantams out and dug the garden over, dug it over again today and put some compost and manure down. Onions and potatoes in next week and waiting on my mate to bring some eggs to stick under one of these broody hens. Might as well hatch some chicks to pay for their feed while they sit doing nowt!! :laugh:

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Few pics of some bits.  

You are right Arry yours look well happy in there In my case it was simply a matter of laziness lol. I use the scaffold netting which was on them but I sort of threw it on. If your going to net y

Had an hour on the plots today dug first spuds ( not the best but sure they be tasty, pulled a few beets to culled a cross bread pigeon from my loft , while we was there I swapped some eggs for a turn

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Very nice RT, I have kept Gold Pencilled Hamburghs........very nice to look at and do lay a fair few eggs. They were a bit to wily for me though.......too old to be chasing chickens around......lol.

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Im trying the non dig system this year. Spread muck on d plot and planted my spuds on top of the ground in rows as usual,cover with straw to a depth of 3feet high 2feet wide. Its my first year trying this put what i can say is the four 40ft rows i plant in feb are sprouting under d straw. Any of ye lads tried this,or is it a waste of time.

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Very nice RT, I have kept Gold Pencilled Hamburghs........very nice to look at and do lay a fair few eggs. They were a bit to wily for me though.......too old to be chasing chickens around......lol.


Aye, i kept the cock bird and two hens originally. Had to give them up to a mate because a neighbour complained about the crowing which is fair enough really. Really skittish birds though i agree, far too flighty for free range i found, so just kept them in a large run. Might keep a couple of hens back off these eggs though :whistling:

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Im trying the non dig system this year. Spread muck on d plot and planted my spuds on top of the ground in rows as usual,cover with straw to a depth of 3feet high 2feet wide. Its my first year trying this put what i can say is the four 40ft rows i plant in feb are sprouting under d straw. Any of ye lads tried this,or is it a waste of time.

never tried it digger but i have read up on the non dig system it will be intresting to read how you go on. good luck. :thumbs:

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my peas are just sprouting, no sign of the beans yet, planted well before the peas, so i had a look at two of them, still sat in the compost, not a sign of movement at all, i wonder are they no good ??, will look tomoz at a few others, thank f**k i sent for those enorma strain of bean, i may be very glad of them indeed, old batch out, new batch in, bit of a delay but not a major problem, f***ing annoying tho. I'll keep you posted on the outcome of the in depth investigation lol.



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found some runner bean seeds on line, enorma is the variety, £1.50 for a pack of 30, known for very large beans, 30cms !, so i sent for £10 worth lol. i'll see if i can get a link up on this machine, bare with me.http://www.harrodhorticultural.com/organic-enorma-runner-bean-seeds-pid8006.html



whahay it f****n worked. Lots of everything on this site, only found it by accident yesterday.

When you add in the £3 postage they are a bit expensive then. I like Enorma grow them every year. if you pick them at around 8 to 10" long they are stringless aswell. I bought 24 Enorma seeds this week for 57 pence at my local garden center.


Last year I tried Firestorm they are a cross between a runner and a French bean and are self pollinating a good cropper and nice flavour. I will be growing them again this year.



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good job i sent for the bean seeds, planted my old stuff start of the month, nothing showing, peas sewn since have sprouted, so i had a look, out of the 50 odd i sew, about 3 had just started, the others i opened a few out of curio, , not a sign of movement, so i threw the whole lot out and put the enorma seeds in. They were all sat there fat as mud, and they'd have been there till bloody christmas as well i think, no worries, onwards and upwards lol

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broad beans IN,beetroot IN, onions just bursting through (been in 6 weeks) shallots just bursting through(been in 6 weeks), ive only put a few early spuds in (rocket), ive also put 8 small rows about 8ft long of main crop ,maris piper, albert bartlet vivaldi,and i bought 10 albert bartlet rooster potatoes for £3grrrrrr.

ive still got peas to go in ,im starting parsnips of in cardboard pots to healp with germination, ive got some early sprouting brocoli in the cold frame doing well ,cabbage and sprouts havent shown,in pots ive got some lettuce, and spring onions that seem to be doing well.

ive started lots of cheep plants from seed in the green house ,3 types of marigold,3 types od dalia,cos moss,lavatara,nemissia,livingston daisys, rudbikea, all these plants are good for attracting bees and polinating insects, ive also just got a few tom plants about an inch high ,

im hoping to get a few pics up later this week ...........atb ...jim

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Things are looking up a bit weather wise and plenty of transplanting to do this weekend between visiting my dad in the hospital

Tunel is speeding up the seeds



Some cabbage,cauli red cabbage hardening off for Saturdays planting,


these were the first set in early feb

onions showing outside and Tom plants still in my mates conservatory for a bit I case of a freak frost,parsnips started showing today in the tubes, so try and get a bit done this weekend,plenty to go at

Your all putting the effort in keep posting im liking this thread,



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hanging fire with planting out just hardening stuff off got some butternut squash coming on first time for these in my plot .bought some metal clothes props to put a net over and keep those pesky woodies of my young plants (also will use them for a pigeon hide poles later on ;) )

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Done a bit today, just digging over and weeding inbetween the strawberries...














If the good weather is here to stay then this weekend i will get everything in :yes:

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