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Terrible news ,like you I go back some years with Don,a real old gentleman.     I'm very pleased that Mr Darcy managed to include a fine tribute to Don in his latest book,   "A Passion For Cour

Had the terrible new's this evening that my old mate Don Southard has tragically taken his own life, he had been suffering from the big "C" for a while now, and had taken a turn for the worse just lat

RIP Don: and what a brave and sensible man to end things the way he wanted to. I remember many days on the fens with him over the years, and he was always courteous to all: I remember him saying to me of a pup I had at the time, that he'd never seen a dog 'learn' hares so fast. He had his quirks, but I think he'll go down as one of the true coursing men, who lived for his coursing.

P, I phoned R and gave him the sad news, .
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Really really sad news. I poke fun at the fen guys but it loses its luster when real people are involved. I admire his decision to go out the way he wants with dignity and pride intact. I'd like to think I'd do the same but don't know if I'm brave enough if the time comes. Don proved he had what it takes both in life and the coursing world. I've had the pleasure of spending time with the man on 3 occasions. A true legend who will be sadly missed.

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