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Its not fair!! Tony Nicklinson

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What we need now is a doctor to contact him and just do it - guarantee things will change then.


You can't garuntee that, no one can the way things stand. So why should a doctor or anyone risk prison, reputation and life for it?


The man would need help to die and he would be pretty bloody selfish to ask someone to do it knowing they would see prison after he has gone. He's doing the right thing in trying to get it all above board for the sake of his loved ones.


I can guarantee it as once a professional has put their neck on the line and the issue is in the limelight again the politicians would be forced to act as practically every voter in the country is in favour of euthanasia.

Put it this way, if I was his friend I'd ask him if he wanted me to do it. I wouldn't be handing myself in or admitting it either, and pretty soon people would realise you don't need permission from the government everytime you want to wipe your arse ;)

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What we need now is a doctor to contact him and just do it - guarantee things will change then.


You can't garuntee that, no one can the way things stand. So why should a doctor or anyone risk prison, reputation and life for it?


The man would need help to die and he would be pretty bloody selfish to ask someone to do it knowing they would see prison after he has gone. He's doing the right thing in trying to get it all above board for the sake of his loved ones.


I can guarantee it as once a professional has put their neck on the line and the issue is in the limelight again the politicians would be forced to act as practically every voter in the country is in favour of euthanasia.

Put it this way, if I was his friend I'd ask him if he wanted me to do it. I wouldn't be handing myself in or admitting it either, and pretty soon people would realise you don't need permission from the government everytime you want to wipe your arse ;)


I dissagree, the issue is in the limelight every couple of years and still nothing. They would come down very hard on any professional that did assist a suicide to stop any others considering the same.


You can not garuntee shit, neither can I. So why should anyone risk the world of shit they would be in after assisting a suicide?

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It happened before and it'll happen again, there is no world of shit tbh as far as I'm aware maybe a couple years in jail and bobs your uncle.

Maybe if you had a close family member who was basically in hell everyday of their lives and asked you to end it for them, the world of shit wouldn't seem so bad to you.

Not to mention those who fly to Switzerland to the dignitas clinic, those assisting get left alone as it isn't on uk soil :thumbs:

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It happened before and it'll happen again, there is no world of shit tbh as far as I'm aware maybe a couple years in jail and bobs your uncle.

Maybe if you had a close family member who was basically in hell everyday of their lives and asked you to end it for them, the world of shit wouldn't seem so bad to you.

Not to mention those who fly to Switzerland to the dignitas clinic, those assisting get left alone as it isn't on uk soil :thumbs:


If a doctor assisted a suicide and spent a couple years inside for it they would never get a job in the medical profession again. That's their whole life f****d. That was my point at the beginning. Maybe that's not what you consider bad, but it is to me. :thumbs:

Edited by Born Hunter
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Thanks spade, was looking for the thread to put it up also :thumbs:


Yes, cant say ive ever been glad that anyone has died but i am really happy he has passed, because he wanted it so much.. Finally got what he wanted.


Rest in Peace, Tony xx

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Iv worked with people with the same condition! utterly shocking" to spoon feed someone who is in the prime of life is something everyone should do and then they should look at this silly stupid law of ours again. one lad was 40 years old and had a stroke witch ruined his life, he spent most of the time when he was awake crying and trying to tell us what he wanted.

There is people dieing of cancer and want as much time as they can get before the end, but in this case and others is totaly different,

That poor chap and others have rights surely..

We as the public should protest for them!! its got to be changed and soon.

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it needs to have a bill passed through the house of lords to cahnge the law. there worried about abuse but in the countrys,states were assisted suicide is legal only 0.2% of the population have used the right with no reported cases of abuse :thumbs:

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Apparently he got pneumonia and refused to eat. At least they didn't try and tube feed the poor man. It is bloody disgusting that people aren't allowed to die if they want to: that's way beyond big brother, that's surely against someone's human rights.

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