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Just to add to the thread,,,I know most have seen the pic befor,,,but possibly not tree hands ....   Venus ,,half minshaw,,half coursing dog,,,littler sister to swift,,the black and white bitch fran

I wasn't ever going to comment on this thread ever , I wasn't prepared to say anything about the breed or the men although I've seen a few run and know a lot of the men mentioned including victor gh

I did manage to find a single photograph all be it not a great one. Can't really remember the night but the blue bitch in the picture belonged to my old mate from Workington.   The Handsome guy in

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THE more this goes on,its plain to see theres a certain click :yes: that are involved in the hunt for minshawman,NOW you may say its only a laugh :laugh: but why make it personal with him,obviously theres a certain element trying to winde the lad up,alright ladies i will leave it to yous :bye: SUMMER TIME AYE :laugh: :laugh:

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Here ya go Frankel..not the best but she can swim.. :D ,..

This was before she killed baby dumpling.. :whistling:




This is baby dumpling having a shite after i told him about that Minshaw Bloke.. :D



camera shy me thinkl's



This pic is after she killed 17 bunnies after 7 hour's lamping..







It is now official she can swim.. :D



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Minshaw man, it was Ry who told me you might be a homosexual :yes:

Ry told me too..i thought the wind up with minshaw man would of brought me and him closer..but it backfired and all he want's to do now is kill me.. :cray: ..i'm a lover not a fighter.. :D

he wont of said that im a lover to not a fighter just dont stand 4 it off pc mouthpeices
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Here ya go Frankel..not the best but she can swim.. :D ,..

This was before she killed baby dumpling.. :whistling:




This is baby dumpling having a shite after i told him about that Minshaw Bloke.. :D



camera shy me thinkl's



This pic is after she killed 17 bunnies after 7 hour's lamping..







It is now official she can swim.. :D



tennis ball ha ha isit a pet
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Here ya go Frankel..not the best but she can swim.. :D ,..

This was before she killed baby dumpling.. :whistling:




This is baby dumpling having a shite after i told him about that Minshaw Bloke.. :D



camera shy me thinkl's



This pic is after she killed 17 bunnies after 7 hour's lamping..







It is now official she can swim.. :D



tennis ball ha ha isit a pet





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Here ya go Frankel..not the best but she can swim.. :D ,..

This was before she killed baby dumpling.. :whistling:




This is baby dumpling having a shite after i told him about that Minshaw Bloke.. :D



camera shy me thinkl's



This pic is after she killed 17 bunnies after 7 hour's lamping..







It is now official she can swim.. :D



tennis ball ha ha isit a pet

And that post mate sums you up for the clown you are.
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Anyone who knows anything about working dogs, i mean proper well 'ard working dogs knows a tennis ball is well gay lyk......................

..........surely depends where you put the tennis ball?


No its all gay, unless your dog is retreiving razor wire by the time its 12 weeks it should be euthanased.............

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she is looking well millet, :thumbs: i carnt get my dog Bryn deeper then his chest in water, he likes his feet on the floor :laugh: .Regards tennis ball he loves them on dry land, they are good for agilty getting a good strike when moving fast. But in the water dont matter if you throw a 2 lb steak in, Bryn (wouldnt) get it.!!

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Guest born to run1083

she is looking well millet, :thumbs: i carnt get my dog Bryn deeper then his chest in water, he likes his feet on the floor :laugh: .Regards tennis ball he loves them on dry land, they are good for agilty getting a good strike when moving fast. But in the water dont matter if you throw a 2 lb steak in, Bryn (wouldnt) get it.!!

Aye bryns comical around water I remember the day we were up the lake. He went in then I got a picture with him making a 100 meter dash trying to get back out lol

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