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diesel shortage !!!

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sums it up -- we must be a bunch of twats ...


--- i`ve put my normal 50 notes worth in ..


Me too, £48 quid, in a feckin' Jimny FFS


Cheers, D.

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its an absolute fecking joke, its about time this greedy fecking government dropped the price to 75p a litre and give the people of this country a fecking break greedy kunts the lot of em

Thats the spirit mate, just imagine if EVERYONE said feck it for one week, just stay at home, don't move unless it's on foot. The b*****ds would be begging to know what we wanted.

Thats part of the problem these fekin agencys who are no better than pimps who prostitute women its time more workers took action against them and destroyed the greedy middlemen getting rich on the ba

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Make sure you we-all vote them out next time around.

Maybe Give the lib-dems a Go to Challange labour and cons.

Cons have definatley blew there chance for a long time in my book.

I personaly thought they would of ,could of changed but they have not.

For them its still all about the Rich and feck everyone else.

Why is the CA not organising a march or National Regional marches against Fuel and energy Poverty

As both of these definatley Impact more on Rural areas.

Im sure we would get support from the On the Fence Brigade regards Hunting which in turn would give us more support for any future ban being overturned.

200,000 - 400,000 down the smoke from the Hunting Ranks would be a start in the Protest about Fuel-Energy and VAT Prices im sure.

Come on CA Take the inititive and do something about it.

Although i agree with wat your saying lets face facts complacentsy and compliance are now that deeply engrained in the thoughts and minds of ordinary people politicians will continue to keep getting away with all the crap their feeding us.
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Them that voted tory in to get the hunting ban lifted MAYBE think twice the next time .Dont think so people r blind to what there doing to the country same as the 80s very rich and very poor thats what they want CROOKS the lot of them

Edited by nothernlite
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Don't really agree about agencies being a load of shite, another way to look at them is that's they provide a valuable way of industry getting round the stranglehold of over regulation and silly employment laws that hold back so many businesses in this country.


Bit shocked to see Max saying vote lib dem??......to me, they have always been the very worst of the bunch and IMHO are playing no small part in the current shambles of government we are seeing at the moment........Clegg would hand this country totally over to Brussels without a second thought given half a chance.


I didn't vote to get the hunting act over turned, I voted to see all those scum traitors in the labour party out of a job and that's all!!

I will be voting UKIP next time, it may be a waste of a vote but a least it will be an honest waste.

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Is the country not in the state it's in through the last labour goverment and the toriess are trying to fix it but going the wrong way about it..



My take on it..


Our finances are in the state they are because of the last shower pissing money away, but there's far more to it than that and part of it goes back to the last time the Tories were in power. Take energy privatisation. The biggest supplier in the country is EDF energy. They've also got contracts for most of the new planned power generation in this country for the foreseeable future. EDF energy is 80% owned by the French state, so 80% of their profits go to the French government. :yes:


Most of the world is in the same state as we are, and IMO there's only so much you can blame on a previous government. Labour blamed it on the Tories, the Tories are now blaming it on labour and so the shit goes on..


Personally I don't think the Tories were anywhere near ready for government. I can't remember a time when we were ruled by a party which seems so lost at sea. They've flipped and flopped, u turned, handbraked, reversed on most policies and when they should be concentrating on the economy and welfare, they've opened up a new front with their NHS reforms and gone against the majority of the medical professions. The NHS badly needs reforming, but they've done it at the wrong time and gone about it in the wrong way.


..and despite constantly nailing Labour for the level of state borrowing, they've actually increased it since they've been in power. Madness. We'd be better of ruled by a bunch of headless farm animals IMO. :doh:

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