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RSPCA Investgate TV Dog Trainner

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Would you vary your methods for different breeds?   A terrier type always benefits from a firm hand and clear boundries, its what they understand best in their small thuggish little brain (imho) whe

I think the problem with a lot of people who have to get someone in to '' sort'' there dog out is because they treat them as '' kids'' , if dogs are treated as dogs from the very start then a lot of t

Firstly, he did not kick the dog, he moved his foot towards it to show that he had the floor: pushing his occupation of the space to show the dog that it had to stay back. Then the little shit bit his

No I bite their ears :laugh:


Better than battering their c**t in with a good length of alcathene pipe I suppose.



Your giving the tricks of the trade away now.................. :whistling:

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No I bite their ears :laugh:


Better than battering their c**t in with a good length of alcathene pipe I suppose.



dread to think what techniques labs parents used for him to end up like he has!!!! the only parents in the world to use a cucumber to punish their child!!! :laugh:

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No I bite their ears :laugh:


Better than battering their c**t in with a good length of alcathene pipe I suppose.



dread to think what techniques labs parents used for him to end up like he has!!!! the only parents in the world to use a cucumber to punish their child!!! :laugh:

I wish it was just a cucumber.............. :cray: I'm away to lie down for a while, thanks very much Rob.................. :cray:

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Typical THL, get an argument about anything even when given the facts people want a punch up.

Maybe get out of the dark ages with your dominance training and start thinking about it, who know what you might achieve with your dogs.


Personal i like a bit of dominance but that's only in the bedroom :laugh:

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Typical THL, get an argument about anything even when given the facts people want a punch up.

Maybe get out of the dark ages with your dominance training and start thinking about it, who know what you might achieve with your dogs.


Personal i like a bit of dominance but that's only in the bedroom :laugh:

Facts??? I thought that was just your opinion....bloody arrogant if you think your opinions are facts!


And it's called a discussion, but I guess if you're so convinced you must be right then it's not possible to have a discussion.


As for the dominance being in the dark ages....it's called nature, and that doesn't change with trends! :thumbs:

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I have started using my dog training techniques on my kids it's working a treat :D

me to can whistle him to heel but get funny looks in asda when using the clicker :whistling:

luckily when he goes in LIDL and uses his shock collar he fits in fine so noone bats an eyelid! :laugh:

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It's all very well people shouting off on the forum," I would kick the dog" or I would do what ever.

But maybe just think about what the implications are if that was aired on TV to the general public??!! More idiot walking the streets thinking it's OK to kick dogs in the name of training.


And that I think is the point.


Alot of this dominance theory in dog training is proven to incorrect, almost as bad as Barabara Woodhouse crimes to dogs and dog training.


Would you vary your methods for different breeds?


A terrier type always benefits from a firm hand and clear boundries, its what they understand best in their small thuggish little brain (imho) where as, as we all know, taking a tough line with a saluki type is mostly a waste of time and counter productive (same for almost any dog with saluki in the mix)


Manwork dogs (again jmho) require mostly trained with your mind with the VERY rare instance of firm hand thrown in now and again.

So are your saying that reward type training is a one size fits all, works for everything method?

Just interested in the subject :thumbs:


Oh, and as for that JR........In a family environment......it should have been shot!..........if it had of been a big dog, the RSPCA would come round and do it for you :yes:

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I have started using my dog training techniques on my kids it's working a treat :D

You've sent them away for residential training :icon_eek:





What a good idea, can I have the trainers number! :laugh:


After 2 days they got sent home again for whining in the kennel :(

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Different techniques for different dogs, many dogs will respond positivley to food reward based training or play reward and others have a very different attitude and need a firm hand and sometimes a correction, and correction and firm hand is NOT a euphamism for beat the shit out of it..........


I was paid to deal with problem dogs on the side aswell as doing my obedience/tracking and manwork.....All these areas required different techniques, as wilf said when training manwork dogs getting physical is totally the wrong idea, the dog is often in a hightened sense of excitement and physical corrections will just rev the dog up and whats needed is a calm approach. I hate the current "use an electric collar" standard response, mainly as nowdays folk are lazy and want a quick fix, i have used electric collars in the past, they have their uses but these are limited and should only be used by a trainer with experience.


The "boy" in the footage in my humble opinion is shite, BUT although i think his methods are pish i think "Mountains and molehill" springs to mind, nowdays less physical corrections are used nowdays which is good but this pampered nanny state and many owners should realise that not all dogs are trained with liver and a squeeky voice......


P.S. Read Konrad Mosts training books, his methods would make most wince including myself BUT he turned around a lot of dogs that would of been shot and turned them into amazing animals............

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Ive always found the internal workings of a dogs mind a fascinating subject.....for me the difference between a good/bad trainer is just how well a person can connect with a dogs mind.....i believe every dog must be treated as an individual regardless of breed you cant say all Jack Russells should be trained like this and Spaniels should be trained like this.....naturally certain breeds are going to carry some traits stronger than others but they still all need a different outlook when it comes to training......and in my opinion being able to read a dog through the very basic connection you have with him is a quality very few people have.

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