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France have banned THAT veil

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OK guys does this mean that i will have to sell my outfit i purchased in the good old U.S of A :whistling:


it would be a shame it was cheap as feck i was drawn to the sales man by the burning pile of sticks :yes::yes:


he was i very tall chap or at least i think it was a bloke but who knows as he was covered head to toe


in a long white robe pointed hat and matching white mask :unsure: i have only worn it ounce and found it not fit


for purpose as even in heavy snow conditions the fecking rabbits seem to spot the pointed hat :yes: i am now


concerned about the legality as to weather i am within the law to wear it in this great land of ours


as i will not be able to wear it in France that's for shore :feck:


but in the U.S.A if you have one of these suits they invite you to all sort of parties these


usually at night and all ways with a bonfire :hmm::unsure::feck:

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OK guys does this mean that i will have to sell my outfit i purchased in the good old U.S of A :whistling:


it would be a shame it was cheap as feck i was drawn to the sales man by the burning pile of sticks :yes::yes:


he was i very tall chap or at least i think it was a bloke but who knows as he was covered head to toe


in a long white robe pointed hat and matching white mask :unsure: i have only worn it ounce and found it not fit


for purpose as even in heavy snow conditions the fecking rabbits seem to spot the pointed hat :yes: i am now


concerned about the legality as to weather i am within the law to wear it in this great land of ours


as i will not be able to wear it in France that's for shore :feck:


but in the U.S.A if you have one of these suits they invite you to all sort of parties these


usually at night and all ways with a bonfire :hmm::unsure::feck:

LOL K.K.K ALL THE WAY! ;):laugh:

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France has a population over 62,000,000, of which less than 2000 wore veils. It's just a move to pander to the people and make them think something is being done about the massive problems France has with multi-culturalism and immigration.


Personally i'm less bothered that some women walk about with masks on than i am that most women in this country think the way forward is to dress and act like whores.


Aye there might be a few 12-15 yr old in the school i work in walking about like darth vader, but at least they are not down the park on lunch break sucking off some bloke for a pack of fags or bottle of cider.


We got greater problems on many fronts, than some birds in burkhas.


will they take old holborn

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France has a population over 62,000,000, of which less than 2000 wore veils. It's just a move to pander to the people and make them think something is being done about the massive problems France has with multi-culturalism and immigration.


Personally i'm less bothered that some women walk about with masks on than i am that most women in this country think the way forward is to dress and act like whores.


Aye there might be a few 12-15 yr old in the school i work in walking about like darth vader, but at least they are not down the park on lunch break sucking off some bloke for a pack of fags or bottle of cider.


We got greater problems on many fronts, than some birds in burkhas.


I'm botherd about women walking around with masks on because I see it as a person who doesn't wish to accept our way of life. Its not in their book to wear it from what I gather? its because dirty rapist scum use the excuse of the women tempting them and the women have less rights in muslims states....surely they would be greatful they have equal rights here and choose to show that with a sense of pride and not wear a veil?


As for women dressing like whores...are you really complaining about that?


Are the 12-15 year olds sucking off a bloke for a pack of fags then at the school you work? if so i hope you report it. Just because someone is a muslim doesnt mean they are saints believe me like all religions you get good and bad same with race. I think muslim parents are probally more forcful or strict with their children and insuring they follow their ways...thing is religion don't have to be involved when teaching right and wrong because I follow no religion and when I have kids I will be dam sure forcful in making sure they arent smoking or drinking at that age let alone sucking off blokes. Prehaps thats an issue with modern day parenting in england...which doesnt help when kids are having kids...but then when they are paid so much in benefits and given a flat its no suprise...country needs sorting out big time.


I have no problem with anyone or any religion as long as they dont try to force their ways on to others and respect others. Got a good muslim friend who gave me a lift to collect my dog. This man wouldn't even accept petrol money for doing it and takes his religion more serious than most...I know he wakes up to pray ect...his never once moaned about anything to do with england other than england being to soft with those preaching hate and making his religon look bad....i was going to type US being to soft...but then i thought deleted it as i consider this man english.

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France has a population over 62,000,000, of which less than 2000 wore veils. It's just a move to pander to the people and make them think something is being done about the massive problems France has with multi-culturalism and immigration.


Personally i'm less bothered that some women walk about with masks on than i am that most women in this country think the way forward is to dress and act like whores.


Aye there might be a few 12-15 yr old in the school i work in walking about like darth vader, but at least they are not down the park on lunch break sucking off some bloke for a pack of fags or bottle of cider.


We got greater problems on many fronts, than some birds in burkhas.

Whats up did they knock you back?and once again you twist the post,the 12-15yr olds will not be forced to marry someone they have never met either.

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Come on ladies of THL most of you have been branded as whores,and not by me.



Your obviously very simple matey, because i didn't say that. Stop trying to be a shit stirrer.


My point was simply - you knock out at these folk for not fitting in with 'our culture', well what is 'our culture', when mostly you see a culture thats pretty sickening, obsessed and wrapped up in all the wrong things


To dare - aye i'd say that shops selling push-up bras for wee kids under 14, to make their tits look nice( and that's just one example), is a more worrying indicator of a rotten society than a few chicks with jedi robes on. I know its a bit odd, but it just doesnt get to me as much as seeing those of our own culture acting with a total lack of respect.


(By the way i only know about the sucking off for cider thing because i work as a childrens councilor, working a lot with child protection cases, so :feck: )

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This about sums it up here.

FFS talk about misguided ideals, it's not about clothing or rights it's about Muslims trying to bring their beliefs and establish their own culture in this country.


They do not want to integrate full stop, and our European and UK laws give them every avenue to exploit the situation. I Have no problem with the colour of someones skin I have a big problem with Islamic idealism.

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I say good on france, hopefully the uk will follow and do the same but i doubt it as they aint got the balls. if they dont want to live by french rules then they can always go to somewhere where it is excepted, its not part of the french history or culture the same as ours, and someone said on here it would only make them hate us more , they cant hate us any more than they do now .

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Come on ladies of THL most of you have been branded as whores,and not by me.



Your obviously very simple matey, because i didn't say that. Stop trying to be a shit stirrer.


My point was simply - you knock out at these folk for not fitting in with 'our culture', well what is 'our culture', when mostly you see a culture thats pretty sickening, obsessed and wrapped up in all the wrong things


To dare - aye i'd say that shops selling push-up bras for wee kids under 14, to make their tits look nice( and that's just one example), is a more worrying indicator of a rotten society than a few chicks with jedi robes on. I know its a bit odd, but it just doesnt get to me as much as seeing those of our own culture acting with a total lack of respect.


(By the way i only know about the sucking off for cider thing because i work as a childrens councilor, working a lot with child protection cases, so :feck: )


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