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250,000 march on saturday

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just watched the labour movement say and i quote we showed on saturday that the people spoke by marching ' :whistling:

then went on to say we will be looking into the heavy tactics used by the met :laugh::whistling:

we had double that amount on are marches we were battered by the police ," welcome to the real world " :laugh:

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You bet your arse I want Maggie back, I am sick of 13 years of left wing bleeding heart wasters living off my f*****g hard earned. I will enjoy every moment of seeing all those fuckers suffer the rea

At the end of the day its not about Maggie or wether the bad old Tories are making cuts.........for most folks bravado, they only think as far as their pocket. Blair knew this better than anyone, he

You have to laugh at these lefties blaming the coalition for the cuts. Thats like blaming the surgeon for cutting out the cancer caused by years of smoking. Whichever government got in was going to h

You have to laugh at these lefties blaming the coalition for the cuts. Thats like blaming the surgeon for cutting out the cancer caused by years of smoking.

Whichever government got in was going to have to make cuts but lets not forget it was 13 years of Labour that created the debt that makes cuts necessary

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People unfortunately have very short memories.

I can remember reading or hearing about wasteful spending that was bordering on criminal on a weekly basis.

I have a book here called 'Squandered', it estimates Labour wasted over 1trillion pounds during there time in government.

More than enough for us to sail through the recession without a single cut.

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:thumbs::thumbs: Well said, totally agree with you .

You have to laugh at these lefties blaming the coalition for the cuts. Thats like blaming the surgeon for cutting out the cancer caused by years of smoking.

Whichever government got in was going to have to make cuts but lets not forget it was 13 years of Labour that created the debt that makes cuts necessary

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Ya gotta laugh at these idiots. Rather than wade through the shit left by the last bunch of halfwit thieves and deal with it they would rather carry on as before and pretend the shit isnt there, letting it pile up further! They dont like the reality of the shit we are in and so the first jumped up prick to publicly opose it, the masses back. Regardless of the fact that its bullshit! Economics really aint that complex in this case, we're up to our eyeballs in debt so stop fecking spending and suffer hardship untill we are out of it!

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just watched the labour movement say and i quote we showed on saturday that the people spoke by marching ' :whistling:

then went on to say we will be looking into the heavy tactics used by the met :laugh::whistling:

we had double that amount on are marches we were battered by the police ," welcome to the real world " :laugh:

The people spoke by marching ,when half a million of us marched through Hyde Park. :thumbs:

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You have to laugh at these lefties blaming the coalition for the cuts. Thats like blaming the surgeon for cutting out the cancer caused by years of smoking.

Whichever government got in was going to have to make cuts but lets not forget it was 13 years of Labour that created the debt that makes cuts necessary



Bang on. Medicine doesn't taste great but we'll be glad of it when we're better.

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Half them folk are shitting themselves because they may have to get out in the real world and create some profit instead of sitting on their arse waiting for the day that they collect the gold plated penshion that we are all paying for!

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Half them folk are shitting themselves because they may have to get out in the real world and create some profit instead of sitting on their arse waiting for the day that they collect the gold plated penshion that we are all paying for!

:thumbs::thumbs: cant beleave i agree with you :thumbs:

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The amazing thing is the sheer power of the Labour Government. At the same time that the UK went into recession, all the Pacific Rim "tiger economies" collapsed! The US went into the deepest recession since 1987! The Japanese Nikkei Index dropped to its lowest level since 1986! Every economy in Europe went into negative growth! Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain went into total economic meltdown! All Brown's fault!


Now let's look to the future. The USA has been throwing money at the economy, creating jobs, and getting the economy moving. Obviously the wrong thing to do. No cuts? Tut tut. They are now the only Western economy, bar one, in growth so they must be on the wrong track. The other economy in growth is Germany. Been throwing money at the economy, getting people working, and the economy moving.


Meantime, we go on with our cuts, and quite right too. If you're in debt, stop spending, get a job and pay off your debts. Better make haste though. Unemployment is at its highest since 1989, and the cuts haven't started yet. When they do, 650,000 public sector jobs will go. The knock-on effects will put the total up to 1,000,000. The number of unemployed will reach over 3,000,000.


But hey, who cares? The fat-cats will be rolling in money.


You wanted Maggie back? You've got her. Enjoy.

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You've got her. Enjoy.


You bet your arse I want Maggie back, I am sick of 13 years of left wing bleeding heart wasters living off my f*****g hard earned.

I will enjoy every moment of seeing all those fuckers suffer the reality of not having the state wipe their arse!

Every single Labour government has wrecked the economy when in power, communist principals in a capitalist system.....when do they work out it just wont work.

I hope Miliband, Blair, Brown and all the rest of those red anti b*****ds rot in hell!

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