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Everything posted by Lenmcharristar

  1. There's been too many on here watching gangster number 1, feck me next well be hearing you have mountains of snow on the desk talking like al pachino and his Iill friend
  2. You do have a point db, as much as I don't like Islam, and any of it's twisted ways, we as hunters need to watch what we condemn as it could be reversed on us by the anti shite hawks
  3. The one on the right for sure, I'd be onions deep in her like a shot.
  4. I really don't see what they achieve by castrating dogs and neutering bitches I think they tend to get all hormonal and wana eat everything in sight, that testosterone is what fuels the dogs drive to get his quarry, not eating a packet of biscuits watching TV
  5. No matter how hard ye are a swift boot in the Betty's and yer down
  6. Good going fellas, nice dogs too. They all don't make old bones so your doing well with yours, good luck
  7. Darky, you on the glue mate?
  8. obe's is what he specialises in, one behind the ear.
  9. They don't waste time in cutting the bag of conkers off, do they? And they say hunters are cruel? At least we let them keep what god gave them
  10. very good post as it's what's actually needed to keep any bans here at bay. And hunting to stay healthy. But as the king once sang " if I can dream of a better land, where all my brothers walked hand in hand" lol
  11. we don't have the ground or hares back here to do 5s on a regular basis unfortunately, but ye definitely need the breeding in them, true preban peter, the good 1s show it from day 1 and continue too show it I think. Breed Champs off champs and chumps off chumpsi know what you mean, but what did rocky marcianos dad do? Shoe maker, what did enzo calzaghe do? See lollol, talking dogs not boxers lol, as the saying goes ya often see a bad man with a good son or vice versa, but when it comes too dogs, ya don't see derby winners getting bred from the slowest dogs on the track, in any dog racing or ho
  12. Tell the truth your hoping to supply findus for the lasagnes again
  13. Ok ok may weather snr was a boxer too and floyd is top notch too
  14. we don't have the ground or hares back here to do 5s on a regular basis unfortunately, but ye definitely need the breeding in them, true preban peter, the good 1s show it from day 1 and continue too show it I think. Breed Champs off champs and chumps off chumpsi know what you mean, but what did rocky marcianos dad do? Shoe maker, what did enzo calzaghe do? See lol
  15. Banner man that's so true, that goes for all working dogs if they're that good they get the recognition
  16. Feck me I used to watch the invisible man yrs ago, this is more realistic, lol
  17. Your right so many to choose from, they were great, the actors the story lines and the writer John Sullivan it's just magic
  18. Sounds like an end of dig dog, no work put into it
  19. Maybe it's just a few sandwiches short of a picnic
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