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Everything posted by waltjnr

  1. Unfortunately them days long gone ,the irish ground workers I worked with 30 years ago ,old boys then ,were another level ,some great memories Kilburn, Cricklewood, going for guiness and salt beef sandwiches at smithfield Market 7am ,great memories, good ole boys !
  2. Bit acidic, thatchers gold as a regular, prefer flat cider ,but not about in my area
  3. Now we're talking ! I do like thatchers Katy !
  4. Joking mate ,just my sceptical mind
  5. Getting in on the will! She ain't dumb ,law degree to make sure she's sole beneficiary! Befriend a few oldies, sorted for life
  6. I was liking that one ,oblivious to any playground stuff going on ,just learning some new stuff
  7. Don't know about coleslaw near beans !,one or the other
  8. 100lbs on a 18lb fox you'd wanna hope it didn't quit ,and that's a fox it didn't catch
  9. And the biggest stash of pre war suet !
  10. They know a steak ,now i know what it is ,bet it was the bollox ! You've upset norfolk ! Good luck with that
  11. Whys it pirouetting ? Just lay down and be eaten !
  12. You are dumpling obsessed man ! Some nice heavily buttered crusty bread is all that's needed with a stew !
  13. A belated happy birthday, looks like you had a good un !
  14. Mostly what they find is with the naked eye ,but occasionally detect it ,the si fella has a small hovercraft ,that gets him to some interesting spots ,dead mans Island? Skulls and human bones ,think it was a prison years ago,from roman stuff to modern 9mm pistols,
  15. Mack do you watch the mudlarkers on YouTube their's a few ,I like si finds ,and the blonde bird ,some proper interesting stuff they turn up ,all around Thames area ,which obviously is steeped in history, the si fella detects aswell ,
  16. waltjnr


    I see a dead munty on side of road ,a myxie rabbit ,and a couple of buzzards,
  17. Lol ! Is there anything you don't know about ! ?
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