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Everything posted by GSkye

  1. That's some really nice shooting Buster, keep it up
  2. They're some pretty good quality pictures for the iPhone Before I get carried away, well done on the pictures ^_^ haha
  3. Given the price, you'd be looking about £20'ish p&p £120 is a good deal if its with decent games, I wouldn't settle or less.
  4. Nice few kills, keeps the Mac fed for a week ^_^ Grae
  5. you mean, like when you cock up and it all goes horribly wrong that what makes the site what it is well, more so, the forum cocked up last night which lead me to putting a few posts because i couldn't edit the posts thats one reason but im sure im not the only one who'd like to delete the odd comment
  6. Actually, I think by coincidence when I did it yesterday it was full of rifles. Done it again today and its just everything for sale. Not just rifles for sale
  7. Haha there's that but what if you just want to delete it entirely?
  8. Not looked into brands like Gerber? They have similar stuff and around the same price range (I think) I'm not Gerber fan but depends on what you need out of the knife. Grae
  9. Noticed this myself but aye, mostly fishing gear which wouldn't benefit me or my sport :-/ Some pretty good boots though if anyone hasn't any yet
  10. Welcome to the forum! Wow, quite a few years experience eh? I wish you a happy 50th birthday for Monday and that you enjoy your birthday gift. Enjoy the forum and I look forward to reading about your experience as well as getting back to the air rifles. Grae
  11. I guess after eating all those cigarettes, they're feeling quite hoarse.
  12. How about an ability to delete any posts you've personally made? Obviously I'm sure the moderators would still be able to see them, in case of anything fishy going on Grae
  13. Well, what if you have to be a member for such an active period or comment so many posts (without spamming) to be granted the ability to sell on here? Also the same for the feedback section too? I guess any abuse then you can be demoted? Just throwing in some ideas here
  14. Lol I just scroll back up or go back a page ^_^ lazy people
  15. Could do with being posted elsewhere on the forum
  16. I think the key to having websites is that its memorable too, no way if someone asked me about snares I could remember, recommend that site, There's a lot of thinking before doing with the Internet these days. ATB Grae
  17. Hahaha your scopes bigger than your rifle ^_^ That's pretty f**king awesome though, any good hunting with night vision? Easy following through with the pellets? Good hunt, well done Grae
  18. *catalysts. ^_^ (Tried to edit but the forum won't respond and sends me to the home page)
  19. Obviously the rifle and ammo is a keen variable but just shows the difference between a .22 and a .25 Hope this helps Grae
  20. Never shot any rabbits with my XL Tact yet but popped a few pigeons, literally takes the life out of them upon impact. I shot one pigeon sitting on a telegraph line with a chest shot and it flew back about a foot whilst falling, rather than just dropping with my .22 I imagine shooting rabbits to be a success but if your wanting the meat and going for a headshot, that to be a devastating kill.
  21. Including some pictures could boost the sale ATB Grae
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