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Everything posted by shealy

  1. a good jab up the arse might make ur dog run faster either that or a slap on the bollocks lol
  2. Good on yi mate i was out aswell the same day not far from use guys with my pup got battered by the wind and rain never caught big numbers but my pup had a right good bit of education atb keep at it
  3. Lol BLUE CHEESE was that not a naughty website years ago lol
  4. yes and same with mine if your mates are wanting one ill have some for sale soonok mate let me know when uve got them in
  5. Aye mate battery built into the handle ive had 4-5 hours out of it hunners a times
  6. am not saying u cant catch rabbits wiTH it or its shite mate i wouldnt be without one now they are good lamps I JUST THINK U CAN SEE RABBITS EYES BETTER WITH THE HALOGEN LIGHT best 45 quid av spend spent my back is glad of it thats for sure lol
  7. Definentely mate worth the money for pottering about with but the 170 halogen is still better for bunny bashing
  8. bitch looks good mate hows she coming along ?
  9. dont know about that mate but the few half bull greys that ive seen want to half any and every rabbit they run in 2 pure drive and explosive off the mark speed ive been very impressed and am not a bull x guy lol
  10. As i see a good few threads on the plr500 and the tracer 150 ive had my tracer 150 for about 2 seasons roughly its been a good wee lamp no doubt about it but what i have noticed with it is i (maybe its my eyes ) sometimes cant see the red eyes very good uve got to look for the body and the white form of the rabbits body especially where there is glistening dew on the grass and the grass is a wee bit longer with shoots in the fields and thoght it was just me but my pal has had a run out with it and he sais the same i was interested on what the guys who have got one and have used it a good few
  11. 6 months my pals linebred half cross bull cross had her first season mate thats the earliest av heard of a bitch having her first season
  12. If uve got that kind of dosh to pay for a dog pity the fool thats when common sense is overridden with pound signs
  13. A dont know mate if u pay 10 k for a dog i think theres something wrong wae u and u need to give ur head a shake 10 grand we are talkin about ffs thats ALOT of money buy anybodys standard to pay for a old mongrel lol u'd need to be floyd mayweather lol the wae u coursing boys go through dogs that would be 10 grand a month wae u lot haha
  14. Lol a take it uze have falling out lads geez lol
  15. My broadband is actin up lol mr rabbit i think thats the truest coming thats been said on here lol
  16. Think thats the truesest comment on here haha
  17. Think thats the truesest comment on here haha
  18. They defos looked like they wer shouting the poor thing over i for one wouldnt be cruising about in one of them hand carved canoes thats for sure lol
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