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BIG G wheton machine

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Everything posted by BIG G wheton machine

  1. I still can't believe the amount of people who'd wrote froch off before the fight,
  2. How did they turn out and were they decent out in the field?
  3. It would just mean that the big nasty basstard people eating machine just got faster lol
  4. maybe you were the lucky break the we dog deserved after being dumped as a we pup, god works in mysterious ways
  5. I wouldn't comment on breeding, but I'd just call it a lucky basstard that you found him and give him a good home,
  6. He needs to fight the man who's beaten him just to try get it on his record and retire on that
  7. whoever said ya can't choose family is lying, half of my brothers uncles are gay, quote, half my brothers uncles. Lol
  8. even if he fought his own fight he didn't have the game to beat froch, froch just put it beyond doubt tonight and groves got knocked da fcuk out. But I think groves embarrassment after the buzz wears off is Gona hurt more than the punch itself, for he talked some Shiite and couldn't back it up. A big mistake was under estimating somebody as dangerous as froch and was froch was also guilty of it too in the 1 st fight and got knocked on his ass
  9. Haven't seen it et but had it on radio in work, never doubted froch he was ready for it groves learned a hard lesson from a master at his work, Don't mess with the best. To be honest I thought froch would have done him in 7
  10. It's about taking a strand against Islam, and some weird animal molesting group
  11. Watch tonight's show if anybody can put a link up for it, it's well worth the watch
  12. Pete I'd bet hens eggs that she's a character though and looks like she would keep you rat free
  13. They deliberately don't carry any documentation. If they're caught, they refuse to answer any questions or to say which country they originally come from. If you don't know where they're from, you can't send them back there, so the French tend to simply contain the problem, rather that take more 'robust' action to deal with it more directly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Oh i see,,,didn't know that cheers,,,, Still a fecker though ain't it,,,,in some ways I do feel sorry for them,,,must be a c**t living in some of them country's they come from,,,going through what they do ,,,cos they think Engla
  14. I can't believe I'm reading regale fighting the winner , wtf has he done to deserve a title shot the last I seen him he was Shiite and should more likely be lucky enough to fight the loser never mind the winner. Degale fcuk these iPads crack me up
  15. Froch needs to keep his hands up instead of leaving them by his side to get hit cause he knows groves has the power to deck him. If he fights hands lowered he has a good chance of getting stopped himself
  16. If you go to Alton towers take a telescopic rod set up for carp the lake is full of fish must be near the 40 lb mark. And they eat everything thrown in to them. The ques are the downfall of these places, we had a great time over there and the weather was great aswell.
  17. It's all modern ways of life look at them other kunts who went in and shot up the schools dressed as the matrix people they think life is a reality tv show or online game, they're brain washed
  18. I blame the modern society for this crap, all these online gaming dicks acting out what they see in the games, they spend far too long in an artificial world they think it's reality
  19. That patt fox painting is a fcuking belting painting wish I was loaded lol. Good artwork in them
  20. to be fair a labour mp who was Arab origin said that it's wrong to be labelled racist because you bring up the immigration problem. Mon the ukip
  21. See it's happening all over Europe the French national front won aswell, thank The Lord above that we got our say, so how much longer can these blind politicians ignore this any more? I've never voted in my life until this time and voted ukip. Revolution is on the way.
  22. Does gash still go with them?now and again, but they sometimes out cross to Winston and isas lines over in craiglaing
  23. Watching that vid there looks like froch got under groves skin, groves looked nervous
  24. Robert Colin Nesbit, great worker and breeder him and his mate James both work the dogs they love nothing better than a days graft, they're from govan
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