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Rat face

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Everything posted by Rat face

  1. I'll inform the lad whos show it is just so he's in the loop
  2. Hes judging a show at the end of August over here shy shovel shy
  3. Is there anything else but going out with the dogs?? lol
  4. I don't agree with that statement buddy. You can Jack any dog but as a terrierman its your job not to let it get to that point. I agree all dogs even well bred ones don't make it. But 80% of time it dude to human error. It just depends how honest you are with yourself. For some lads its just easier to to blame the dog.
  5. Iv never seen one work so cant judge they defo look the part tho. It's dogs for jobs I keep the Little wind bag type. I must admit there have been of times when I wished I kenneled a harder type.... But on the other hand I can sleep a lot easier knowing if the knock ever comes I'm all sorted.
  6. Glad you enjoyed in buddy. Hope you come back next year. Thanks to everyone who came and made the day what it was. A few new members as well that's always welcome. Thanks again and hope too see you all again next year. Adam
  7. Good night out after as well, missed it last year but I'm down this time
  8. Show day Sunday folks, looks like weather is gonna be good. If anyone won shields last year can you please bring them back on the day Hope to see you all there Adam
  9. Bet that's interesting to listen too I didn't even know there was a book about him out.
  10. I was talking to a friend the other day about this. I was lucky I have my old man to show me the way and right and wrongs. Terrierwork can be a victim of its self sometimes. Doors are shut to young lads because of the way the situation is at the mo so youngsters just grab a terrier and go for it. They have no schooling no one to show them the proper ways. And what we saw the other night is a result of that. In my opinion anyways.
  11. I'll message him now buddy looking forward to a chat as per if your there Morton but if not I'll see you a Nickys
  12. Proper little bobbery pack there buddy. Some fun to be had that's for sure
  13. Let's just wait to see what's on the program. A good chance it's just a typical BBC crock of balls. All we can do is try stay within this daft law the best we can and keep working our terriers remember terrierwork is still fully legal, keep our heads held high and be proud to be terriermen. There is always going to be idiots in the game but that's life.
  14. was the buddy ever really known as a out and out digging dog? . Probably not everything about the breed looks like a perfect example of a rock dog up on leg narrow in chest and head pleanty of jacket to keep it warm.
  15. Its the same old thing people need/want different things from there terriers people hunt different game on different types of land. A beddy Will suit some people others it won't. Keep the type that suits you.
  16. I don't keep beddys bud. But i do like the breed tho.
  17. Each to there own for me but do you not worry about the dogs collar getting snagged on a branch or root? the dog looks really well tho buddy.
  18. I'm not sure where that is buddy. this is the Lancs area show each area has it's own summer show to raise funds. try get to any fell and moorland show there all for a good cause
  19. Well it's show time again folks come down and show your support for your local working terrier club. The show will have all the usual classes for the terriers and lurchers raffles and trade stands food and drink. The show will be held at our new home of Littleborough sports club Hollingworth lake littleborough Lancashire OL15 0AP June 3rd judging to start at 1pm Hope to see you all there.
  20. it's simply whatever works best for you i think
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