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Rat face

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Everything posted by Rat face

  1. Just my opinion but yeah. I would say the decline of the traditional type terrier was more to do with rise of the digging dog. I know when my dad was getting dogs from Frank buck pre change to the digging laws, he's never wanted any of his dogs to go working the big fellows. Now they wasn't wind and piss types and when they did bump into one ( pre change to the laws) the dogs would ruin themselves on them. Due to the fact they was keen. So i wouldn't agree they would give way but didn't have the ability to hold due to size. Remember the old type of fell type terriers was half size if no
  2. Exactly RH That's the point I'm making. People breed for a dog to stay. I only work the rock with my cousin. So maybe I'm not qualified to talk about it. If i did more rock work then I would defo I know lads get good numbers from working rock My point been there two different types of dogs and should be treated as so and both should not be crossed
  3. That's my whole point loz people want a dog to stick/stay in a dig now. If a rock dog stays Well you have a dead dog in a stony tomb It's common for a rock dog to move/show to try find a different way to get the Fox to shift, now if you was 6 ft down on a dig and the dog shown well it's a jacker int it. Different animals and should judged on different merits.
  4. That would be one very tricky situation Rob
  5. One think is for sure there a dying breed the lads that work the rocks and the dogs as well.
  6. In my opinion eathdogs and digging dogs are completely different animals. You wouldn't want to go tipping a big bully type digging dog that one knows how to go forward. They are a different type of terrier rock dogs busy but cleaver. And good on it's feet and able to climb well.
  7. Not many lads work the piles anymore the only 2 I know are on here. Different types of animal rock dogs are few and far between
  8. Fair play waz. I'm deaf as a post tho so i would stand no chance lol
  9. Them two rescued by the fell and moorland had collers on tho zig that one at 19m was never been dug by ears only. And that one of Phil's had a bellman on. You do a lot more in rock than me zig but it would be a hard call for me to tip I'm without any a coller on. I work lots of old tips a dog could just as easily get its coller snagged on a bit of old steel or a tree root.
  10. I'd like to say yes but deep down no. I wouldn't wonna risk my dogs life especially when I know the technology is there to use. As had been said before its all about the welfare of your dogs. If you lost a dog knowing you had the means to save it it would be a sad day!
  11. It's obvious that the use of locators has paved the way for mute dog to be used. That type pre locator days would not have been much use at all. But is it far more safer with a locator for the terrier? 100% it is! the fell and moorland saved a dog wedged tight at 19m that dog would have never been seen again if it was for the bellman and flint. But if we could dig within the law but not have a locator on I'd do it. Because my dogs are yappy little wind bags anyways lol. Maybe we wouldn't be in the mess were in now if locators was never used, just a thought. If you look at pi
  12. The old saying springs to mind if it ain't broke don't fix it. The French seem to be getting on fine. Long may it continue
  13. Blaine just out of interest what's the deepest you guys will work with only using your ears to locate. I know some type of ground over here you can be only 2ft away from the dog and still not hear the dog bay. atb Adam
  14. Do you Want the fell and moorland to jump on a plane? lol all joking aside hope you got the dog out ok
  15. Read up on the laws buddy when it comes to working dogs in the UK if your new to the sport. If he's bred off earth dogs be extra careful. Going to ground is kinda what terriers do bud so keep your eye on him best you can........ good luck and I hope you have fun with your little dog.
  16. Good luck and I hope the pups do you proud buddy
  17. Fantastic Blaise, thanks for sharing buddy
  18. Think there is already a thread on this buddy further down the page
  19. Well said Lee. And familiarise your self with the hunting act to make sure you stay within the law.
  20. That's the way Don never say never....... unless your in a gay bar Me, you and Dan will sort a day out in the winter if you fancy it?
  21. You doing anything with the terriers any more Don?
  22. I really don't have a come back to that buddy. I agree its not right 100% but I'm only a rep for my area and can't control what the other's do unfortunately
  23. Woo hold up lol its just one area of the fell and moorland he's judging not for the the club as a whole The reps been told by a few different people about the man.
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