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Everything posted by PlasticJock

  1. Plenty people read these threads and don't comment, for a number of reasons Let's be honest, half the people defending the actions of this criminal system are themselves susceptable to complete manipulation, usually through religion, or a football team, or fear of the unknown. If you clos your eyes and shut your ears, it doesn't mean the nasty man goes away.... Simple psychology that's been proven time and time again... You think you have choice and freedom hahahaha what a joke! You have the choice of McDonald's or Burger King. Pen or pencil. Natwest or RBS. Not the things that matter, bu
  2. I'm not criticising anyone, just pointing out the facts after someone said no one but a copper can make an arrest. Perhaps if you spent less time defending them, you might see the light! Don't worry scot, you sit there like everyone else and not give a s**t, because it hasn't impacted you. One day it will, in one form or another.... And then I guess you'll just be another conspiracy theorist who no one listens to because they're wrong and the government cares about their people and we all live happily ever after
  3. Yes scot suspected terrorists.... But an arrest is an arrest - you're arresting a persons freedom whether they breach the peace or rape someone. What was the last story involving SF that you read about? The government always say ''We don't comment on Special Forces' and that's it. Back to the police, yes it's unworkable of course. How many workable ideas have been put forward by the government in say the last decade? They'll push ahead in some form regardless. Sensitive info? Doesn't matter - certain civilians have access to that, for example computer forensic guys, as long as they've b
  4. Well said scot, criminals will be rubbing their hands because you won't get done for assaulting a police officer, and I'm one of them Who says sf have only been used once? Im telling you, they and others arrest people all the time, on British soil, and mostly against British citizens. As I said, when the home office says its ok, then it's ok. For example, section 5 weapons are banned full stop, yet they can authorise you to have for instance a pistol. There is no real process, just authorisation.
  5. Anyone who the government authorises to do so has the power of arrest. Special Forces aren't police but conduct arrest ops all the time.
  6. I THINK YOU WILL FIND YOU ARE WRONG GOVERMENT CONTRACT ARE WELL TIED UP AND PUT TOGETHER BELEAVE ME THERE WILL BE RECOMPENCE Possibly mate, it all depends on who said what and who was told and who swept it under the carpet lol. It won't affect them here and now either way, it will slow them down a bit but ultimately the old boys network will come to the rescue and they'll be 'protecting the nation' again before long.
  7. Let me tell you, as socks said soldiers get paid fcuk all extra, they get paid the same whether they're sat on their arse or guarding the Olympics. So... Apart from fuel etc, the MOD won't have lost anything financially. If they haven't lost anything, legally they can't sue G4S because they have minimal to no losses. So all this crap about 'forcing' G4S to pay anything back is laughable. If they can 'prove' that they tried to recruit X Number of guards but circumstances were against them (even though we all know they didn't bother), then they won't be writing any cheques soon.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKQs-jDI7j8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  9. Kinlochleven - google it there's rock climbing and all that around there
  10. Here you go lads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkmVk1CZxWU&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  11. pj ill tell you how bad it is mate , was in the scrap yard today and the lads in front of us got caught robbing the cats from the skip in the fcuking scrap yard Did they say ''We were just looking!''?
  12. Should call the police mate, if there's a melted watering can and 2 rabbits in the glove box it could've been the getaway car from the 'Crofty' job
  13. I know what you're saying gnash, personally I like Tysons attitude as he seems to concentrate on boxing instead of being an arsehole for no reason, but then again I suppose it's personal choice.... I agree about Ricky, but to me I'd like to see someone who's their own man and leave the image building to the promoter. I like to see people stand up and not give a fcuk for anyone, but again IMO there's a fine line between standing up for yourself and coming across as a thug who shouts things like ''I'll shoot ya'' after being given a slap
  14. Its worth keeping in mind this country went near 100 years without a world heavyweight champion................so to have 4 all at and around world level.......we really shouldnt be moaning. I'm not moaning mate, far from it. I just find it embarrassing to watch wladimir conduct himself on 2 occasions like a gentleman whilst the 'pride of Britain' spit at him and slap him. Then find excuses for losing after. All boxers have my support, but it's like watching children who are trying to prove something for no reason.... Fury being the exception I wish him all the best, he's the same age
  15. From personal experience, G4S epitomise everything that's wrong with this country. They've got too big, their admin is shite, and they couldn't run a bath. Much like the NHS.
  16. I will say his father was a very good minuteman
  17. Well he's offered to fight the winner of haye Chisora so he's definitely full of it, the BBBC will have his licence off him sharpish.
  18. I've no doubt he'll improve newsboy, but as I said personally he doesn't look the part physically, and his height and reach are the only things going for him IMO
  19. Yes, if you say ''Earth!'' 3 times in a mirror you get bummed that night
  20. I wonder if the thief also has a pair of rabbits and a watering can in his hideout
  21. Need some security advice?
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