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Everything posted by PlasticJock

  1. Yes, full hydro set-ups and it won't be hot enough outside to grow it Depends what part of the country you live in, or so I've heard.... Malt, even normal grass has trouble growing up here :laugh: Just thistles and scrub Even that died in my back garden as some red diesel got spilt Donal Macintyre would have a field day up yours
  2. Yes, full hydro set-ups and it won't be hot enough outside to grow it Depends what part of the country you live in, or so I've heard.... Malt, even normal grass has trouble growing up here :laugh: Just thistles and scrub
  3. Or laser pens Surplus stores sell IR reflective sheets, just don't wash it above 40 degrees Carbon extractor fans reduce smell as well
  4. If you had the land, you could do it in such a way that you'd probably never get caught. Also remember helicopters, they fly overhead with thermal imaging and your 'allotment' will look like a Christmas tree
  5. During my short life I've known smokers and 99% is a very strange figure..... Also agree that most, or at least a good percentage, don't drink anywhere near as much as the rest of their peers. Cookie, how many respectable chaps go for a beer at the weekend and bang coke, speed, MDMA, M Kat and everything else up their nose? Now how many stoners go up town on a weekend and do the same? It's my opinion that people smoke weed to chill out, so apart from opiates and tranquillisers there wouldn't be much sense in moving up the chain.
  6. Saho Man ffs, some things have fire where the smoke's coming from but you don't need to believe every video on YouTube...
  7. PlasticJock


    Never get the chance to check mine, as it leaves, it goes straight around the bend, no wiping or flushing needed We call that a ''Ghost Shit'' in the trade
  8. PlasticJock


    No camouflage how do you know if you cant see it I look at the bogroll
  9. PlasticJock


    You want to try a night on homebrew cider mate, the toilet pan looks like a fcuking kaleidoscope in the morning. Seriously, try it and get one of the dulux colour charts to see how many shades you can identify
  10. Back to the drugs, I've smoked weed, and done steroids a few times. Been tempted a few years ago to try some legal highs like salvia, but mentally it wouldn't be a good idea. I guess some are designed to cope with things ie addiction and effects of certain drugs, and some aren't. I know more 'sane' and normal long term smokers than I do complete wasters. Criminalising drugs obviously hasn't worked, why people cling onto the idea out of fear is beyond me. We have to adapt and try new ideas if we want to progress as a civilisation, refusing to talk about something openly and listening to rea
  11. Tbh ideation those age ranges seemed normal when I was growing up. I remember an 18 year old guy shagged a 13 year old. He had his windows put through and was forced to move eventually, nowadays he'd get protection from the state. I also know a guy who slept with a 14 year old when he was 21, he met her in a club and she was drinking and looked a lot older. I'd like to think I knew where my 14 yo daughter was at 3 in the morning though
  12. Tbh ideation those age ranges seemed normal when I was growing up. I remember an 18 year old guy shagged a 13 year old. He had his windows put through and was forced to move eventually, nowadays he'd get protection from the state. I also know a guy who slept with a 14 year old when he was 21, he met her in a club and she was drinking and looked a lot older. I'd like to think I knew where my 14 yo
  13. Aye it;s THE HARDEST part of the job mate, hearing a wee, cute, seemingly nice, girl of about 13, telling you how she was f****d in the arse by TWO guys in the park last night. And when asked why? Answer - Dunno, why not? They think it's normal. Makes you question where her parents were and why she's thinking like that in the first place
  14. That's why the politicians won't do anything about twats like that.... Fcuk them off at the first opportunity I say.
  15. .... I'm just protecting my right to do as I wish without impacting anyone else's life. I don't do drugs personally, experimented, but they aren't for me. ''Don't do drugs but cigarettes and alcohol are ok'' seems to be the hypocritical message being bandied about today! (Not directed at anyone on here).
  16. All fine sentiments if your a single guy with no responsibilities....but try explaning that to 3-4-5yr olds they aint getting their dinner cause mum and dad need to score some smack That's my point mate society needs to change. We can't go on treating eeryone like children because it obviously doesn't work, people will do what they want either way. Perhaps if social services got their fingers out and the EU human rights fcuked off, children could be taken away from smackheads until (IF) they get sorted. I've seen both sides of the coin as most of us have. Why should I pay for a poth
  17. If tobacco were introduced now, it would be class A immediately. If alcohol were introduced, that would be criminalised too. Each to their own IMO, I know plenty who smoke it and they're no different to anyone else. On the other hand, I know smokers with emphysema, bronchitis, cancer you name it. Alkies on the dole draining society, fatties draining the NHS, people taking the piss at every corner. WILF, we need less control, and here's why I think that - Most aspects of our lives are controlled to some degree. Take the benefit system... The safety net is there to fcuk your life up and
  18. Nothing wrong with heroin if it's used what it was intended for.... We think it's the worst drug out there but couldn't be further from the truth. I'm at work but post some info later
  19. Neither IMO the amount of twats that drive, crash and get away with it is unbelievable
  20. It does work medicinally. I had one family member who had terminal MS and it was the only thing that worked for her. She lived 20 years longer than the doctors originally said she was going to. I'm not saying it was down to the dope but the improvement in the quality of life she enjoyed definately helped. Another chap I know has bad arthritis and uses the odd bit now and again to break the cycle of opiate based painkillers he needs to take because they can become addictive, and when it flares up it gets to a point after a few days where he can't sleep at night without taking the painkillers.
  21. In your own home I think there should be more freedom of use. Even the police have said its a waste of their time to keep fining people for small amounts. I think a lot of the medical opinions are overhyped, but walking around stoned off your face all the time can't be good for you!
  22. I've heard the Manx are very patriotic
  23. No I don't!!! I was buying 20 tabs this morning and it was sat in front of me :laugh:
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