Iv had loads of bikes well still got a few but non of them make me smile ( and sometimes laugh) as much as this one they just so funny, am on with decorating it with a 6ft Christmas tree and lights for our town light switch on at the weekend
Am on the look out for 2 tyres tubes n rim tape for my 1972 pc50 am doing Johno grotes to lands end on it again next year and its on tyres from the 80s ha the size is 2.19 front and 2¼ 19 rear , any one know were I will get a set ?
We pay for a professional rat man to come I think from the council but he only comes a few times a year and often misses out the bait box nr my plot , I keep hens and pigeons so do have a passing rat from time to time iv 4 traps set all the time and catch one or 2 a month they is people on the plots with 2 or 3 hens that use massive feeders so feed more rats than hens , so what your saying is am best to stop using poison n stick to the traps
I have been putting a bit of rat bait down on my alotment under the sheds in small bowls when its empty top it up again I cant remember the brand now but it's the whole weat and its blue , now the alotment committee are saying because the pest controller who has 5 or 6 rat boxes on the site is using the red poison my blue stuff is counter acting his position? I think this is bull crap ??? What u lot think ?
We kept sheep for a few years, they was ok the lamb was amazing, and I learned a lot , we just about broke even with them , but I was only borrowing bits of land here there n every were so the cost of diesel was killing it for me , but I'd definitely have more if I got my own place