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About patterdaleboy

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 25/06/1987

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  • Gender
  • Location
    3 foot under and still digging down to my paterdale
  • Interests
    shooting fishing and all other field sports

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  1. Yes fella she is wil email you pics to morow if that's ok
  2. Was just wondering how do I clean a t8 mod. any help grately recived
  3. 3 year old sprocker bitch Blue roan in couler trained to the whistle. But slightle nerves to the gun. Lovely temprment but hasent quite made the grade. Kennel dog tho. Fathers ill helth no fault of here own Pm me.
  4. Was out yesterday and the lads were so fusy about witch shovle to bring to the dig when I said dose it real mate thay said that the pitch on the head was wrong or the head on that one wa too big and the shaft on that one is too short. Thay had difrent shovels for difrent jobs. My qustion woul de dose it matter as long as u got one that dosent brake. What is the best size shovel
  5. As aboue just wondering were to get one frome. How mutch dose one cost. Dose it make a difference to the grouping. Cheers lads
  6. What the f the lad has a potential collectors item. Anu you are knoking him for selling it. Have you got past the first chapter yet
  7. Come on lads its sined by dh got to be worth 50-60notes of any bodys cash
  8. Have a pup out of his stuff. Hard as nails.
  9. I dissagree DH and JP have some of the best dogs in the contry. If you do a quater of what this man has done you would be doing well. I have been hunting with the both on several ocasions the man is no lyer. He is a legend in his own right
  10. Personaly I wouldent sell a proven dog. But each to thair own. A butty of mine is foreva choping and changing his kennel stock. Started out wiith tidy stuf but sold and bought stough so mutch. He back to squair one. Just rememba ur terriers good workers are for life not three to foure years.
  11. Am sure when he wrote his books nd mag that he dident wont to be famose but just to let ignorent out siders have a glimps of our world . The man is now in his late 70. Seen him out last tusday with jp. If I'm still gowing at his age would be well chufed. A true terrier man throu and throu.
  12. BBC what do you exspect from an antihunt station.
  13. My dogs ain't jakers what the f**k you ain't seen my dogs who the f**k are you to sllagg em off
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