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foxhunting1 last won the day on September 13 2016

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About foxhunting1

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Although Brian has many years experience in the terrier world and a vast amount of knowledge, and I have a lot of respect for this gentleman the terriers in his yard today are not the same stamp as years ago and actually in my personal view are far too small for earth work.
  2. Daniel clearly you dont know what your talking about, Brian always kept smooth coated and brocken coated terriers......... Look at old pictures, specifically Miner & Buster ?hence lol-it was meant as a joke-but obviously being a smug looking ginger wigga -it was wasted on you pal?I remember a jumped up prick of a terrierman once saying to my mate-take your hands out of your pockets!there's etiquette around a Bury pmsl-see the look on his face when my pal threw him in to the dig and told him he be back fill you remind me of that same twat;).atb dc this is why i like hunting life, you ca
  3. i read the story on FB and saw some pics............. WELL DONE LADS
  4. Nuttalls Buster on a kennel in his yard, also 2 bitches one has just been worked.
  5. Daniel clearly you dont know what your talking about, Brian always kept smooth coated and brocken coated terriers......... Look at old pictures, specifically Miner & Buster ?
  6. Hi All, This maybe a little controversial and I am not looking for all the normal comments that people feel the need to post about Brian Nuttall and his terriers. What I am interested to know is whether there are any lads or lasses out there who have pure Nuttall blood in their kennels, and can they trace the breeding 3 or 4 generations ?? I personally have a yard full of pure Nuttall blood which can be traced back to Brian’s yard, back to Buster, Toady & Miner lines.
  7. Interesting reading....... How many of you have actually been hunting / digging with Mr Brian Nuttall ? I spent many a good year hunting with Brian, listening to the stories from yesteryear and learning as we went along our duties. How many of you can say you have dug 28ft to one of Brian's dogs (Ratty) ? She spent some 18 hrs approx in the ground and did exactly what we all expect from our dogs......... Yes he's a gentleman, yes he's forgotten more than most will ever know................. And yes today his terriers are too small but still a gentleman and has probably done more for the work
  8. Ivomec is what i have used for years, the only issue is a vet wont mention it unless you have a very good relationship with them as it is not registered for dogs. You only need to use 0.3ml and use 3 dosages a week apart, injecting it can be painful or leave a lump BUT you can administer oraly
  9. KILMOGANNY HUNT SHOW Working Terrier, Hound, Lurcher and Pit Dog Show FAMILY FUN DAY Easter Sunday, 20th April 2014 at 12:30pm Terrier Judge : Mr Steven (Batne) Barrett, former judge at The Welsh Gamefair Lurcher Judge : Mr Jim Young Foxhound Judge : Mr Sam Stanisland, Huntsman of Killkenny Foxhounds Hunting horn for the winning foxhound Terrier box and brass couplings chain for the winning terrier Lightforce lamp for the lurcher Kids Activities Bouncy Castle, Pony Rides, Face Painting Fun for all the family All enquiries call Billy 00353
  10. The Drangan Harrier Dog Show 2012 Drangan harriers will hold their 1st annual hound, lurcher and terrier show on the 15th of April 2012, starting at 12.30, at Drangan, Thurles, Co Tipperary. Lurcher racing, Terrier racing and many more attractions, a great family day out guaranteed. Additional Information contact Billy 087-2686016 Niall 087-6668380 Judges Announced Terriers - Dave Roberts Lurchers - Jim Young & Paul Noone (Former Slipper Foreley Cup) Hounds - Peter Cahill
  11. RIP Tony. . . . He was a true gentleman & terrierman who'll be missed by all those who had the pleasure of knowing him.
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