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Everything posted by derekbrown

  1. well lad i keep all fox dogs but start them on rabbits on lamp around 10/12 months,if ran much earlier a pup might start to bark and if they start that then they are in line to get the chop.no point in ruining a well bred dog through lack of common sense.
  2. i think you might mean bedlington hound lad,it would be a bedlington terrier/greyhound cross.a lurcher.
  3. no point running four on a hare but at least they were out with their dogs unlike many of the clowns on here who spend their lives staring at a computer screen pretending they know it all.all the best lads.
  4. best way to measure a dog is foxes caught not height to the shoulder.
  5. i don't have any pics lad and if i did i wouldn't know how to put them on here.i'm not great on computers,my son showed me what little i know.
  6. well lad first make sure it off good proven working stuff,thats the main thing.% is harder to say because they can be different litter by litter or pup by pup.i've two 3/8 5/8 sisters here,both good bitches but the bigger one is far slower than the smaller one.the smaller one catches more but to see her you wouldn't think it.the bloodlines is down to the dogs you know that the pups are off,just be sure that both parents are well proven singlehanded dogs and that they both have plenty of years work done.Don't buy any pup from young dogs that haven't proved themselves.Best of luck lad.
  7. its no wonder there is so many shite dogs in england not worth the price of the bullet that should finish them.your dog is 13 MONTHS and to make it worse is BARKING when he runs.get a grip lad.if your yappy dog was over here he wouldn't be bred from but would be shot for making noise when he runs.
  8. piece of aeroboard and a mirror.
  9. it is not certain that it would turn cancerous,i,ve seen several like that and never a problem,sometimes people worry too much.
  10. Sionnach, if your crossbreds hunt better than the pure breds then the registered pack your with mustn't be anything special. Hounds or dogs running around making noise in a covert will make any game present leave it. Hunting starts when your fox hits country and that's when a hound comes into it's own. If your talking about surrounding the covert with lurchers or/and guns then that's not hunting either, it's fox control. And as for hunting nearly being banned by people with attitude ??? I disagree. It's un-organised hunting and gangs of lads who feel they can go where they want ,when they
  11. It maybe the dog has only one ball or it has not dropped if it hasnt dropped yet it never will you will have to have it removed cos can cause trouble later in life maybe he should first see will the dog make the grade. i've seen various dogs over the years with one ball and it never affected any of them.
  12. i have a dog the same,it won't do him any harm at all.
  13. good to see a young lad with the interest,my lad refuses to leave his computer games.
  14. derekbrown


    one of the 4 sexiest parts of a good looking woman.but best avoided on a ugly woman,if her face unsettles you then her feet will frighten you.
  15. luxating patella,a lot of the small terriers that skip on the back legs have this problem.
  16. i had problems twice in the last few years,i thought the dogs had a touch of mange both times and dipped them in tacktic but no good.what they had was yeast skin infections and had to go to the vet to sort it.im lucky that the vet i use is an excellent dog man and is not one of these new type vets that charge the earth.i had to get a lurchers chest muscles stitched last year under general anesthetic,did an excellent job-50 euro.
  17. ok sorry i will rephrase my initial post, all of the breeds mentioned will be of proven working lines. well if all of those crosses are off proper working stuff then take your pick,it would be down to your choice.
  18. the question makes no sense.the best and worst of dogs can be got from any of those crosses.its more important to know the ability of the parents of any pup you get.
  19. aeroboard on a mirror i think is better than any caller i've seen used,
  20. if lucky you can get some racey enough 1st crosses but most are too heavy.lamping foxes is my main thing and a dog has to have speed and be well able to turn.a lot of lads dont realise how fast a fox can run and turn
  21. the big heavy set dogs have the look a lot of lads want and win them a few ribbons at the shows,they are grand dogs and the game ones have their uses but catching foxes singlehanded is not one of em
  22. a fox that wants to move can move seriously fast and turn faster,heavy set dogs no matter how game wont catch nearly the amount of foxes day or night that a racier game dog can.a lot of people especially those that do more talking than catching think that all foxes are simple to catch,they are not,a fast dog is needed especially on shy ones.
  23. 150 a fair price for a well bred pup.in my experience though in lurchers,terriers and hounds-the best ones are usually the ones given free by lads you know out of working stock that you have seen in action.
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