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paddy polecat

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Everything posted by paddy polecat

  1. Hope it go's well for you lads/ladies I wish I could be there but its just to far for me to travel. ATB Paddy
  2. Most people will have stoped by now because of the does carrying a lot of young but some people (myself included) carry on right through the year for the purpose of pest control or some permissions will be lost due to farmers/landowners wanting them kept under control and if you dont do it someone else will.
  3. The NWO will soon be taking your guns away, RIGHTS very soon americans wont have any rights the NWO are moving FAST and soon america will no longer be a republic, your going to be merged into mexico & canada creating the NORTH AMERCIAN UNION using a new currencey called the AMERO just like europe was merged into the EUROPEAN UNION using the euro. Soon we will all be slaves to the NWO the ENDGAME is almost complete.
  4. Well said SHOTGUNSNIPER the problem is that the media shills are in the pockets of the NWO elite they control almost everything and the ENDGAME is almost upon us. I have great respect for some of your fellow americans (Alex Jones to name one) who are trying to wake up america/the WORLD to this NWO tierany are you a fan of his by any chance?
  5. Holy SH*T mate its as well you did'nt give it a good thump with your spade as you were digging, it prob belonged to some terrorist bunnys lol.
  6. A blast from the past indeed mate, how times have changed hair styles an all lol.
  7. Cheers FT for some reason I could'nt copy & paste the link sometimes my laptop has a mind of its own! I cant understand the bulls**t these anti's come off with, they seem to think that controling rabbits using a humane method such as ferreting is not worth protecting crops from being destroyed and livestock/horses from breaking their legs in warrens. WTF?
  8. Has any irish hunters had a look at this site- ban blood sports! tried to post the link for the write up on ferreting but it wont work so look for an article written on 25 july 2008. www.banbloodsports.com
  9. He sounds like a handfull to keep an eye on in the field mate at least he's good to handle. Hope he settles down for you. ATB Paddy
  10. He's a cracker FT do you use him for working? I would'nt mind getting my hands on one of them he's a nice looking fella. ATB Paddy
  11. i don't think this guy is a local either,might be the same as your guy,retired moved to the country for an easy life,but will annoy every one else while doing so .PADDYPOLECAT you have just made me feel a whole lot fecking better thinking someone is having a five finger shuffle over a pic of me lol. [/quote
  12. That sounds very strange mate, as you said you had permission to ferret maybe he was planning to pleasure himself with the pics of you lol
  13. if she was bit It's prob been a rat, mink, or maybe a feral ferret but she could of been kicked hard by the rabbit, are you sure it's a bite mark on her chin?
  14. All I have to say is that if trout were not stocked in lakes there would'nt be that much fish for anglers to catch and take home for the dinner plate, and wild trout don't breed/spawn in lakes so you can only catch whats stocked in the lake, If everybody who fishes for trout only fished for wild trout I can garantee you that within a few seasons the rivers would be fishless, that surely would be the end of the true wild trout. Not everybody has the pleasure to fish for wild brownies and as I said if they did after a few seasons there would'nt be any/many left as not everybody fishes catch and
  15. Thats a West Belfast STICKLEBACK, iv'e plenty of them in my garden pond
  16. Fish finders? you'll be looking for the fish to jump into the boat next
  17. highest i got quoted was £120 for both my jills!!!!! I nearly burst out laughing Thats f***ed up mate!! I know what I would of done if a vet quoted me that price they really can take the piss.
  18. Your better off phoning all the vets that you can mate and get a price from each of them as some of them will rip you off. The highest price I was given was £25 for each jab but after contacting a few other vets I found one willing to do it for £6 for each jab!! some vets will really test the depth of your pockets
  19. Nice setup mate, do you let the ferret have access to the shed whenever it wants or do you just let it have access to it during the day then put him in the hutch at night? I would leave the hutch door open all the time and let him have free run of the space when he wants then he could just go into the hutch to sleep.
  20. Cracking job mate well done, just shows how much money you can save if you build things yourself.
  21. Wild brown trout on a dry fly, theres nothing like fooling a wild fish into taking a dry fly that you've tied yourself.
  22. Well done mate sounds like you had a good day
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