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paddy polecat

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Everything posted by paddy polecat

  1. Will do mate, FT i have a question for you if you dont mind me asking, i use the same pegs as you use (6"ones in your pics) you reccomended them to me on rabbiters a while ago, but i was wondering would the 8" ones be ok to use as i can get them in bulk for a good price and they would do my new nets and any i get in the future. ATB Paddy
  2. Are they for rabbits on acid? Holy s**t Ferret Tamer what will you think of next?
  3. Heres a pic of a small ferret and for good measure a pic of a BIG one. great pictures mate, the ferret is the size of a cat, i bit he could eat a rabbit in one sitting I'm sure he could mate, i would'nt fancy having to feed that fecker.
  4. Good price for that kit mate might try my hand at making some nets, think i'll go for the red or blue, already got nets in yellow / white / green. Not so sure about the pink, would'nt want the mates coming over and seeing me kniting with pink twine lol. Gerron wi it Paddy nowt wrong wi pink nets ATB FT Well FT hows it going mate? im in no doubt you'll have me kniting pink twine in no time mate, after all it was you feckers at rabbiters who got me into the yellow craze lol. Now my net bag is going to look like an Elton John wardrobe with those pink ones added lol ATB Paddy.
  5. Good price for that kit mate might try my hand at making some nets, think i'll go for the red or blue, already got nets in yellow / white / green. Not so sure about the pink, would'nt want the mates coming over and seeing me kniting with pink twine lol.
  6. It should not affect them at all mate last year i went out with a shooter a few times and my ferrets didnt care less.
  7. Hi mate the knotless ones seem a bit flimsy to me, did you see them at bridport nets? if so id go with the 10z nylon ones if your looking for strong cheap nets £17.00 for 10x 4ft or £14.50 for 10x 1 meter ones, you can get them in yellow or red.
  8. The big fecker is'nt mine mate i found the pic on a finnish forum, the woman in the pic is a russian breeder of these big feckers. They must have a problem with BIG F***ING bunnys.
  9. Heres a pic of a small ferret and for good measure a pic of a BIG one.
  10. Well done lads still a lot of snow about there then, some of the ferreting i've most enjoyed was done was in the snow.
  11. Thanks mate, good prices good selection, i just emailed net loft to find out what colours they do them in. 1 of the best places 2 get net material they do all different colours mate tf, i also contacted bridport nets they sell their 10z nylon nets in yellow £17.00 for 10 4ft ones. What you think mate?
  12. Nice one mate, nice dogs, well done.
  13. Thanks mate, good prices good selection, i just emailed net loft to find out what colours they do them in.
  14. Hi people, i've been using 6z nylon and hemp purse nets but want to get some new ones in yellow / red or blue which do you think is best from the list below, and the cheapest place to buy? 10z nylon 12z nylon spun nylon spun poly Thanks Paddy Pc.
  15. Thats whats it's all about lads, good crack and a few bunnys no matter how bad the day started, well done.
  16. They can mate but your ferret is'nt always going to come out best, even more so if your using smaller jills.
  17. I had it happen once and i defended my right to hunt and took the law into my own hands and kicked the S**T out of the pest loving A**e hole because he grabbed me by the neck. I would'nt let anybody give me greef or violence for something i have a god given right to do without feeling the sharp end of my sword (after all rabbits are food and we are at the top of the food chain!!) so come on people stand up for your god given right. Paddy
  18. HI mate, i used to do quite a bit of ratting with ferrets when i was younger, your ferrets could end up getting badly bitten or even worse and if they are good working ferrets for rabbits is it worth the risk of losing them? i'll let you decide but its too risky in my opinion. Paddy.
  19. yeah, she's a nice little poley thats just how i like my jills. nice one.
  20. I do quite a bit of fly fishing and i found that my fly fishing vest can hold almost everything, 25 purse nets&pegs a few poke nets, knife, and quite a few other bits and bobs, very handy.
  21. ive had them crush the skull in minuets mate and had them hit the net with no eyes its a petty and lucky its a rear acasion atb I've seen that happen! i had a big hob that done that a few times. But the good thing was that he never lay up on me once. He was a cracking worker.
  22. Nice ferrets tf, are the younger ones a polecat/albino mix? cheers mate ones a polcat and her sister is a slivermy 3 year old poley had 5 slivers and 3 poleys all good working ferrets Its good to know somebody who's breeding a good working strain here in the west, most of the ones i've seen/owned were as useful as an ashtray on a moterbike lol. I'll have one of those young silver kits off you if you breed any this year mate. thats no problem paddy mate your more and welcome 2 a few kits no sweat lad, i'm going to have to PM you my real name sometime i dont like using it on thes
  23. Nice ferrets tf, are the younger ones a polecat/albino mix? cheers mate ones a polcat and her sister is a slivermy 3 year old poley had 5 slivers and 3 poleys all good working ferrets Its good to know somebody who's breeding a good working strain here in the west, most of the ones i've seen/owned were as useful as an ashtray on a moterbike lol. I'll have one of those young silver kits off you if you breed any this year mate.
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