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paddy polecat

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Everything posted by paddy polecat

  1. Nice one lad, cracking brown trout and a nice grayling, well done mate.
  2. Well done, nice to see the young fella enjoying his fishing.
  3. rspca admit they have sod all powers on camera.
  4. Spot on advice, the same method I use, much easier
  5. Bridport nets is the only place that I know of that sells it, this is where I buy my 2mm braid for purse nets at £13.50 a spool.
  6. Cracking job mate, looks well PS. Thanks for sorting me out with the Hob Dan, he's doing well
  7. Nice flies IL, I done quite a bit of fly fishing for pike last winter and loved it, sure makes a change from fly fishing for trout, the biggest I caught was 21lb 10 oz, never tied any of my own pike flies but I tie all my own trout flies. The best names I can think of for your flies are: For the one in the vice on the first pic: FATAL ATTRACTION For the other one: RED TAILED DECIEVER
  8. to many assholes having a dig at lads on this sight,dont like the posts dont look simple!!! Well said mate
  9. I agree 100% I would'nt breed from a ferret untill its second year, working trials would be very hard to keep fair as some ferrets will have more experience than others, how do you tell which is which? and rabbit numbers vary and they all behave differently underground.
  10. Well done lads good brace of bunnys and good pics
  11. A computer hacking ANTI possibly? lol you never know!!
  12. jordy123 Thats not a very nice avatar you've got, it would be easy for me to say the same about foreigners coming to Ireland but I wont because all foreigners are very welcome in Ireland we are a very welcoming people with great respect for other nations which you dont seem to be. only because you have lost half of your lot over here. we will be ok for tarmac driveways for the next 100 years now now lads. I thought this was a hunting forum not a race bashing forum, I just hope Admin are paying close attention
  13. jordy123 Thats not a very nice avatar you've got, it would be easy for me to say the same about foreigners coming to Ireland but I wont because all foreigners are very welcome in Ireland we are a very welcoming people with great respect for other nations which you dont seem to be.
  14. Nice one lads I do a bit of pike fishing using the fly rod and BIG lures, they are great sport on the fly rod
  15. Its an exercise bar for rabbits to do pull ups on lol
  16. Heres some more http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEfQ_fDeF38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuZe1Y49Nz0 this ones the best I think
  17. Here's a really good one prob the best footage ever caught on tape http://www.youtube.c...h?v=rasaAlMlAhU Watch all this guys stuff (Jaime Maussan)really interesting if your into this sort of stuff OH the best part starts at about 7.05 mins
  18. paddy polecat


    Not bad mate, I might as well tell a short joke while im here: Whats the difference between a pickpocket and a peeping tom? A pickpocket snatches watches
  19. That would be a VERY nice day out ferreting to find a load of cash stuffed down a hole, but knowing my luck it would either be fake s**t or old notes from years ago which can no longer be used
  20. I dont bother to sell the rabbits I get anymore due to crap prices I get offered for them now only £1-£1.50 each, however A few years back I used to get £5 for each rabbit now its better to just feed them to the dogs and ferrets.
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