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Everything posted by mayhem

  1. mayhem


    Happy bday babes MWAH xxxxxx
  2. Guna take advantage of the sun n lie in the garden

  3. That's so funny n only cos I have an iPhone it's a bitch at times lol
  4. Anyone got a spare 1.8 turbo engine?

  5. Once again I've got no post as the pup has eat it, what a little belta lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scothunter
    3. Lab


      Thought you'd finished with the spats nowadays tae.......lol

    4. mayhem


      It's great when he eats the debt letters but not my daughters hospital appointments, he'll be shittin streamers lol

  6. Chinese betta hurry up and open, I'm starvation, I could eat a scabby hoss

    1. foresterj


      probably will be

    2. mayhem


      Aye from sacriston lol

    3. f mac

      f mac

      a scabby dug between 2 pishy matressess

  7. 200mph what was it? A very tuned zx12 and on a very long straight road obv lol funny enough a few month later going round some twistys he came off and the bike went over a cliff
  8. Havin an amazing thunder n lightning storm, the heavens have opened

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Moll.


      Just had it here 15mins ago.


    3. mayhem


      Wasn't it great I love a good storm :)

    4. kevin from bristol

      kevin from bristol

      go and fix your aerial haha

  9. When diving with hammer head and black tip reef sharks on the great barrier reef, sat on a mahoosive crocs back and survived being on the back of my dads bike doing 200mph I'd never do that again lol
  10. Life is gggoooooooooddd :-D

  11. £105 million would be nice

  12. What can we drink tnyt hhmmmm

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. mayhem


      I wouldn't be admitin that, are use all the takers? Lol

    3. tb25


      we have no chose sometimes in life

    4. mayhem


      You poor lil sex slaves lol

  13. I'll sit in the garden tomorrow and see if I can get some photos of the birds which are around here
  14. mistle thrush put it on a tape measure please It's in the bin now cos judge made me pick it up and it cracked all over but it was probably just short of an inch though
  15. Mmmmmmmmm.....Left hand.....No rings.... f*****g hell who the f**k notices things like that PMSL
  16. Well it's in my kitchen window now, let's hope the kids don't think it's a mini egg lol
  17. I think the kids down there need psychiatric help
  18. From the top of my head I know there's swallows, house martins, wood pigeons, thrush, blue tits and a few others! Having another look the neighbours tree is hanging over my fence and maybe the heavy downpour has washed it out of the nest
  19. Haha just cos a girl hunts don't mean she's gota let herself go lol
  20. PMSL Ive not seen any quail around here though
  21. No but I know they around, just weird as it was in the middle of the lawn
  22. Going to throw roosters at slags cos they love cock

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lab


      And they say romance is dead.....lol

    3. judge2010


      no need for romance lab, i've already got her lol

    4. mayhem


      Lol hook line and sinker lmao

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