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Everything posted by Coneytrappr

  1. Saw these the other day and immediately thought of everyone here. This is the one I kept coming back to. The jaws would have been about 40cm long, also interesting springs. Pity that the pan was nowhere to be seen. I am hoping that someone here recognises this trap so they can enlighten me. There was also an old jump trap just off behind it, couldn't get a good pic though. Old bunny fence trap. And this old thing, no doubt set to catch the oodles of rats that had made the place their home. Don't think they were having much luck though.
  2. Doesn't matter if it's the season or not; take Whin's advice that she is too young to completely clear warrens out. Try her on the smaller warrens but save the bigger ones until she's older.
  3. ARTIST: Roger Waters ALBUM: Radio KAOS TRACK: Home
  4. A good few on my stinkers were nasty biters when I got 'em. Had one in particular that would bide his time and then strike like a fecking snake. Put his tooth right through my thumbnail. I persevered with him though, took a good few weeks but I am ever so glad that I did. He's now trustworthy [seeks me out and follows me around when I let them out each day] and is deadly on the bunnies. Wouldn't be without him. Like as not your new ferret may not have been socialized by the previous owner. Could have been mistreated. Either way, give salvaging him a shot. I used to sit with my hob on my l
  5. I have heard of that breeder- 'Carolina Ferrets'. Have a look at the site it's absolute bollocks, so called feeding information was a load of crap when I was on there a few months back [she actually advises against feeding raw meat!] and she breeds first and foremost for colour of all things. Not health, working ability or even temperament. FFS. http://www.ferrets.htmlplanet.com/photo4.html
  6. If I was American, which I am not, I would be gang-setting their warrens with 110 conibears. No mercy.
  7. George had his first outing on saturday, but i have been with my husband many times before although i wasnt as bothered before as i am now i had previously shown ferrets but got fed up with that so now want to be more involved in working them rather than just having them as a pet. I just need to get better organised for the Autumn & i still havent dispatched one yet as George killed his dinner on Sat , so as i am a novice at the disptching bit i was hoping to get that chance on Sat but it didnt happen. I have no prob gutting them but i wont deny the fact that if i dont despatc
  8. Well done on the bunny, may it be the first of many for you and George. He looks to be in excellent condition, obviously very well looked after.
  9. I've seen plenty of rabbits run with their ears up.
  10. Nor can a fox or rabbit. ................................................................................ ....................................................................... Now the below is adressed to everyone, not just you Elisderyn. At the end of the day, we're all hunters. We kill game. Some kill more game. I don't see any positive outcomes of bitching and squabbling amongst ourselves. The whole dog vs gun argument is, to me, fecking stupid. In that light, might as well be against shooting bunnies too, eh? After all, it's more 'sporting' to get after them with a ferret, no?
  11. Try blocking all your holes if you have to leave a fert behind. Might have a better chance of getting a wayward stinker back if it doesn't have an avenue of escape. Goodluck, hope you get her back.
  12. I don't have a locator box so it's all done by ear.
  13. Nightrunner, I really enjoyed your pics. Don't feel that you have to leave simply due to some folks shooting off at the mouth before engaging their brains.
  14. Brilliant Bet they'd make an awesome long calling lure on the trapline.
  15. Not sure if it's been said on here before, but if you have a ferret kill underground and not move on, and the sun is getting low and you're thinking that you'll just have to leave it there for the night-block all the holes. Block them well and tight and your fert won't be going anywhere. Chances are when you go back the next morning and start unblocking them holes your fert will make it's appearance quicksmart. I like it more than the Leave The Ferret Box in front of the hole method. With that there's always a chance that the stinker will wander off. If it's blocked up underground you ju
  16. They work just as well in winter and better in summer.
  17. Walked up to a bury, set the gear down and begun to net up and a massive poley hob near flew out of a hole and began trying to break into the fert box! He was a friendly sod and none too eager to get back out of the box once we'd let him into it, reckon he'd had enough of doing it rough.
  18. Excellent. The fridge in this household is quite cluttered. Layers of food, if you like, and it tends to get eaten through rather fast so it isn't generally a problem. However there is one incident which stands out over all others. A decent chunk of rabbit- bloody, raw and wrapped in a plastic bag- miagrated to the very back corner of the fridge where someone else put a much less perishable item over it, concealing it from view very effectively. There might have been a few internal organs thrown in there for good measure as well. It remained out of sight and out of mind for a good while.
  19. I have all mine done and it hasn't effected them negatively at all.
  20. Sounds responsible to me mate. I get all of my ferrets spayed and neutered. Never have to worry about jills getting sick or having to seperate hobs due to agression in summer or anything. As for breeding I don't care how good my ferrets are at working [and I own a few cracking stinkers], none of 'em are going to get bred as there's plenty of other genuine blokes doing that. If I want to add another good worker to my team then I just get one off another ferreter. It's simple and I don't have to feck around with litters of kits and in season jills. In the end though mate it's up to
  21. That's a good thing about traps. They're patient. The mice may not be though. How long until you'll have to put fresh bait in?
  22. I wouldn't put Silver to BEW mate. Ye'll end up getting Waardenburg's in your stock and you don't want that at all. Like putting Merle to Merle, just don't do it. Witton, what a fecking stupid thing to say.
  23. Ditchy, if anyone has ever deserved to trap a mink, it would be you. If you ever write a novel I'll buy it. High quality stuff, your posts. Hope you get one.
  24. I wonder if that was deliberate or if the stinker just managed to get into something that it shouldn't have.
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