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Everything posted by Coneytrappr

  1. Nice little stinkers, is that their court in the background?
  2. Not all cat foods are created equal, some are pretty damn good and better than a lot of commercial ferret foods. When I do have to feed dry [in summer, I've even had problems with flys at night], I use Eukanuba Lamb and Rice and Innova Feline...bit pricey but there is a much higher meat content in those foods and less fillers than in say Whiskas cat food or even a lot of dry ferret foods. In winter of course it is rabbit, hare, duck, mice and whatever other furry or feathery things I can get my mitts on for them, eggs are fine I just seperate the yolk and chuck out the white. They are
  3. Put yer fecking big spoon away Stealthy! I was only interested outcome! Well, the 'for' argument ran out of steam pretty quickly, draw your own conclusions matey! Nope very much for still, i was bathing and putting to bed my little girl. Look back at the previous threads its all been said before on multiple forums, pointless me going over it again and again. I see other views and appreciate them, i will still breed my few angoras and still bash heads whilst doing so. So, what's your argument then, I mean apart from 'they look nice? (..oh, and cost a fecking
  4. Beggers the question, does anyone take any notice of good advice that is posted on forums? TC That quote is five days old mate. After reading this thread the last thing I want is a litter of deaf kits. That kit will be worked and treated like any other ferret that I've owned. BTW, I said at the start of this thread I planned to breed him next year. I really hope that you don't end up breeding from him. That poley under your name is a cracker however, would love to see more like that
  5. Coat is completely waterproof its undercoat they lack not top coat, the nose cleft does not impede them in any way. And they go for £200 each thats for full angoras the halfs and 3/4 are considerably less. Why should there be any pics of me working on my site what the flick has that got to do with anything, have you ever met an angora ferret or are you making claims. There is no reason why an angora couldn't work certain sets wouldn't like to argue the toss with a bramble bush and an angora coat but they have the same instinct as a regular ferret. Don't mean to be a prat [or maybe
  6. Coat is completely waterproof its undercoat they lack not top coat, the nose cleft does not impede them in any way. And they go for £200 each thats for full angoras the halfs and 3/4 are considerably less. Why should there be any pics of me working on my site what the flick has that got to do with anything, have you ever met an angora ferret or are you making claims. There is no reason why an angora couldn't work certain sets wouldn't like to argue the toss with a bramble bush and an angora coat but they have the same instinct as a regular ferret. Don't mean to be a prat [or maybe
  7. Coat is completely waterproof its undercoat they lack not top coat, the nose cleft does not impede them in any way. And they go for £200 each thats for full angoras the halfs and 3/4 are considerably less. Why should there be any pics of me working on my site what the flick has that got to do with anything, have you ever met an angora ferret or are you making claims. There is no reason why an angora couldn't work certain sets wouldn't like to argue the toss with a bramble bush and an angora coat but they have the same instinct as a regular ferret. Don't mean to be a prat [or maybe
  8. Shouldn't you be off somewhere trying to peddle those genetic nightmares you call angoras?
  9. It's not just pet owners who are concerned about genetic defects, mate. I value working ferrets and have no desire to see them fecked up by people breeding for trivial things like funny colours! The ferret gene pool is already "fecked up" enough, without all of this colour daftness. How many breeders, I wonder, keep full and accurate records of their ferrets? All of them? Few enough I would say. But I do think that breeding splodgy exotic type ferts seriously complicates the matter and will bugger them up more than they already are.
  10. It's not just pet owners who are concerned about genetic defects, mate. I value working ferrets and have no desire to see them fecked up by people breeding for trivial things like funny colours!
  11. deafness is common in a lot of white breeds of animals but just because it does nt make ALL of those animals deaf does it Don't think it was ever argued that it causes all of them to be deaf...just increases the risk of it quite a bit. But would you breed from those animals, knowing that risk is increased? I sure wouldn't. I'd want to be selecting the best stock possible to carry on the line. There's plenty of really good ferrets to breed from, free from those risks. Those are the ones that should be bred. It's like breeding dogs for colour instead of working ability, can't end well.
  12. Like the poley best mate , nice little stinker. Them black tunnels are great, ent they? Mine love them as well.
  13. I won't be hanging up the net Fat Ferret, no way! I really enjoyed walking around furtively with the net and pegs despite only catching a few twigs. As for the book...not yet, as I am skint for the time being. It's on my list of things to get though. Thanks for all replies, CT
  14. -cages in shade -hose down cages -hose the area around the cages [wetting the shrubs seems to cool things off] -I've got a plastic tub sitting on a few bricks in the cage, makes a gap big enough for the ferrets to sleep under. Fill it up with water and ice and it chills the area between the ground and the tub nicely. when it gets real hot they all go inside.
  15. Yes I let all mine out everyday for a run. They have a bunch of tunnels and boxes that they like to mess around in...keeps them in good nick for the season. Always have to shake my head when I see people out ferreting at the start of the season with wasted, unfit ferrets from an inactive summer.
  16. Well I am back, no rabbits for me this time but I DID manage to get the net out and back in without a tangle, which pleases me no end as I did dread that prospect. I do think that the lack of rabbits may not have been entirely down to my inexperience as a few cars went along the road that bi-sects the area these rabbits usually inhabit as I was netting...and from past experience these bunnies usually make a break for home when a vehicle goes by. I have a feeling they may have been spooked even before I got there by someone driving through...seemed a rather popular location tonight. I did ha
  17. Going out with my new longnet [50yard 6z trad] tonight for the first time ever...I am like a kid anticipating Christmas, its great Not that I actually expect to bring rabbits home this time around, but hopefully I will come out with a little more experience and no tangles. I know of a little place that usually holds a few rabbits, they leave the cover and move out into the open ground at night to feed. The plan of attack is to walk in slowly so as not to spook them, run out the net [makes it sound so easy, ha.] and then go for a walk back around so the bunnies can make a dash for it back to
  18. Mates, be careful breeding ferrets with odd white markings, it's linked to a neural crest deformity which can cause deafness and other problems. The American ferret people specifically breed for those type of odd colours and markings and they are in a right mess with their ferrets health...they are known for being some of the worst in the world. That being said, sure is an interesting stinker, would very much like to see more pics as it gets older.
  19. No mate, neutered hobs can't bring a jill out.
  20. I like your poleys, nice looking ferts.
  21. Sorry about your ferrets mate, why the feck were the council concerned about a few ferrets? Bunch of morons. Can't blame you, I would be a wreck if anything happened to mine, I like them as much as dogs lol.
  22. Good stuff mate, they are good looking kits, all the best with them
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