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Everything posted by TOMO

  1. Been ferreting 3 days this week..had a few milky does... Last week out night shooting saw something in the thermal...got out the truck 4 little leverets came running up round me...just a few week old...
  2. What a cuntish thing to do
  3. It's good but it's got to have grated cheese on top
  4. 6 portions...behave.. 2 max
  5. Think you need a bit more gravy
  6. How does everyone else deal with wayward domestic servants? You divorce them mate
  7. Interestingly...while they run out the covid vaccine...... Russel Brand is the big news...coincidence????
  8. Working in an aldi last week up in Bradford...one of there staff a young fella mid 20,s was working in a mask all day long.... And guys in my gym wiping down benches with paper towels and spraying disinfectant on them ....fir fucks sake...
  9. TOMO


    Might as well put the video up now Ray...poor bloke won't leave the pool..lol
  10. TOMO


    Funking ell Ray...he was looking forward to some scuba....
  11. Lol...it was just above my reply.. Cheers
  12. Tell me how you make them mate?
  13. Yes my daughter and her partner have a baby ...she's 21 next week..
  14. My Mrs is gluten free which ment I ate gluten free bread as well ....the best I've tried to far is the mini French stick cob things you heat up in the oven
  15. TOMO

    Car insurance

    That Martin money man on telly recons you should renew 3 week before your times up....something about 3 week being a sweet spot for getting the best deal to shop around with
  16. We just got back from a week in ibiza with the kids...and grand kid...still me and the Mrs has a night out...Nice meal then to café del Mar...few drinks...mojito 17 euro...lol...but it was nice to be out listening to a few tunes..bit of a dance in a small club my mate ownes
  17. Cracking art work is that..
  18. Different types as well my mum has it...very slow development type in fact its hardly grown in 4 years she's had some treatment....she 90 in two months think old age will get her before the cancer finishes her off... Good luck with it all mate
  19. Gelato...do you mean ice cream...
  20. TOMO

    Flights wtf

    We flew to ibiza last night...no delays thank feck...all went smoothly...Mrs not happy mind...cos this is billed as a 4 star hotel....is it fook...its OK.. but thats about it.... Anybody going to the serrenis seaview in port des torrent ...go somewhere else
  21. Nice one Terry...Great fun getting a young gun out for its first real season..
  22. Lovely that Arry...but I'm with your Mrs .. But fair play for growing them
  23. TOMO


    I was on rabbit job 2 year ago ...dug the ferret out with a rabbit only to find the grey remains of a phostoxin pellets....I could smell it to as a broke through...luckily the gas from it had long gone ...but I went happy
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