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Everything posted by nick703

  1. Mine want in at around 6 months old but they don't see any action till there around 18 months old,just because they want to go don't mean there ready to go, I started two pups in jan- February, the dog pup as had 4 digs and bolted one but is sister as only had one dig, she's ready for more now but I'll take my time with em, they'll be two in August .
  2. I've a spaniel that only had one ball till he was about two then it droped, he's got none now because he kept trying to shag my terriers
  3. I would never keep two terriers together , this is two of my pups left together for to long, good job they only had baby teeth or one would be dead
  4. Go to benidorm for a weekend piss up, ya can get antibiotics over the counter in Spain there cheep as chips over there, we go about 5 times a year!!!!!!! Just fa the dog meds not the beer an fags.
  5. Sorry mate, I got loads of pm s after putting that up, seems everyone wants Russell's , ill pm you today
  6. We've got a earth on one of our permissions about 7-8 holes in a bank,never had to dig it in the two years I've been on there,we've had five from it since Christmas all bolted and all shot, I usually use my older bich on this earth she will stay till dug and dose bolt a lot aswell but last time we checked it I used my strong digging dog, if he gets hold you need to dig I'm out, fox still bolted, I was thinking there's no stop ends in this earth, anyone had the same ??
  7. There all related , from same line, dogs throw more bully than the biches, half bull Russell' was added over 20 years ago
  8. Good look in your search , there's some good Russell's out there
  9. Some of my shovels, the big one is a scaffold pole with a thiner pole all the way down the inside and welded in an it's 6.6ft long
  10. I no everyone one here likes the ones with foot plates but I don't dig with my feet,I just use my body weight and strength , I've got one with footplates on but it very really gets used also got bulldogs and homemade ones welded to scaffold poles,I'll get some pics of my big shovels for ya , you don't need foot plates on them just big shoulders to use em
  11. This is mine, made it about 3 years back, it was a square mouth but I cut it to what I wanted, the bolt is of a transit tow bar and welded in to one end and the nut welded into the other,I've done some 6-7ft digs with this, I'm a fencing contractor and have every type of shovel and bar on the truck whitch is always nearby also have my own hydraulic breaker if the goin gets tough.
  12. Was thinking about one a these http://www.exxpozed.com/pieps-freeride.html?s=47714¤cy=GBP&gclid=CKSc7-ry4MICFSSWtAod5A8A3Q Any one used one ?? I only want a cheepo to keep in truck as backup for my pulse .
  13. Anyone recommend a good cheap box for a backup to my pulse, the nearest friend I have with a box is 1 hour drive each way an the lad that comes out with me most the time is more into shooting and has no box so I could do with a spear just incase .
  14. The direction indicator on my pulse is a waist of time, just use the numbers, but I'm bang on the dog every time
  15. There's also one in the for stud section.
  16. So are the ones in ft old ones or is there a new one out ??
  17. . Is there a way to change it to feet as mine is in metres , but I'm bang on the dogs collar every time I brake through.
  18. I no were there's a real good smooth russel dog, ring me if ya want. Nick
  19. Young Small bitch 11 1/2 tts, might let her have a go about December time , her big brother can have a look to !!!! If I can find somewhere he can fit in, he's a big lad
  20. This young bitch is 11 an half inch ts an can be spaned with an inch to spare, nearly 9 months old
  21. Pups , dog an bitch about 8 months old.
  22. Sister to the one above, last 4 foxes she's had two bolted and were shot an two were dead when I got down to her, she only bays now if she can't get up to her fox.
  23. Had to have this one pts about 3 months back,rip Stella , not my best digging dog but the best all rounder I've ever had she could find fox in the most unlikely places an she self entered at 9 months old, got her sister here an she was nearly 2 befor she started.
  24. A mate of mine was very close to him, used to dig with him and still keeps Russell's that were from berts line,I'll ask him if he'll write something on here.
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