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Everything posted by x38

  1. are thay single handerd with no help ..........rang the lad yesterday got a honest answer........to my question ........
  2. just a thought on what people think of finding cubs at this time of year? i have had 2 fox cubs, first 1 i wasnt to sure if it was a cub or just a very small vixon, but had an other one today a young dog fox with its first teeth. Topper found a badger cub run over this morning, Do you think it will effect them for next year? or are you not botherd ethe way ........as long as you get one ....
  3. bushing that dog got no fur on it and runs through brambls and stingers ......lol its mad to watch lol
  4. its lonly this christmas with no one to love you

    1. ferretess


      it'll be cold so cold

  5. your driveing round town with a girl i love forget you ....lol...if only it was that easy a mate ....

  6. your driveing round town with a girl i love forget you ....lol...if only it was that easy a mate ....

  7. money cant buy you love ...no....no....

  8. did do all ways let the vixens go .....
  9. hay you there will the sad face ......

  10. any one seen a second litter this year ...had a cub like vixen in the trap looked like a small cat ...just wonderd if any one as come a cross this at all this year .....atb x38...
  11. whos ant and dec of thl ........but not as funny lol

    1. x38


      no its just life ...fat or thin happly marrid or lonley and on your owen ....god loves a trier lol

    2. reddawn


      back to ant n dec?? who you think lol

    3. x38


      dont know but feel a ban comming on lol

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  12. had the fox trap set for 2 days and had the smallist fox she looked like a cub ........



      Second breeding with all this hot long summer with had

  13. school run time ..........

  14. good point that, funny thing is that some 3/8 bull 5/8 greys , can come up with bigger dogs some times then straight 1x bull greys . And i suppose really if you after the better tenacity in the dog , the racey 1x would be the better of the 2 dogs. And as Si says if you going to put it in a lurcher to make the differnce to the x, you got to put enough in to do that .? The only prob with 1xs is you (dont) always get a racey type dog, great when you do. But most 3/8 bull 5/8 greys are norm more a racier+ faster type dog with greyhound on both sides of the sire+dam .! My 3/8 bull 5/8 grey pu
  15. nice dog mate .......but the axa looks fecked lol
  16. how am I being out of order, yes I hunt alot, yes alot local but not like others I don't just go one side I go plenty of places. How do you know where I'm talking about. One mountain gets hammered jai that's the one I don't really do anymore. funny enough it's the one you travel to do lol, I found many a places away from that mountain, a good few miles away and it's full of game which your buddy for sure might walk once a season on the lamp or with a ferret that's even if he has a clue if the rabbits are there, I walk 3 miles before the lamp gets switched on now, I work my ass off to get to
  17. i no one that dont jack .......and its a bitch ...... and on paper she got more saluk in her than bull....but you got to get the right bull ...
  18. think it helps haveing you own car nothing worse than walking every were ......then you can lamp 6 or 7 hot spot in a knight ........
  19. and there free to genuine homes ....well done...to him for that top lad ive sean her on the lamp and not meny bunnys get a way nice bitch ...
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