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Everything posted by bull101

  2. thats some good going taffy,
  3. do you have any pics mate?, is he 3/8 bull, or 5/8 bull? cheers
  4. pre ban i mean!! (the secret code that ant's dont get, like the pre ban pics every one sends in with 09plate cars in the back ground...........)
  5. its a belter that mate what height is it, 27 ish? 29" mate you done much graft with him? could make a nice bambi dog
  6. its a belter that mate what height is it, 27 ish?
  7. that land and the bull x look very farmiliar mate, you at s.yorks by any chance mate?
  8. Exactly right mate! My mate goes out with these boys weekly and these boys go out more than most people ever go out!! The dvd got copied and got passed around,they didnt do it for money or to show off what there dogs could do! I just take my hats off to them for getting out there 3 or 4 nights a week and doing the business and not just talking about it!! well said
  9. another thing i cant get my head around, is why people would pass on a dog that could not do single handed?? if it jacks doubled up then fair enough, but if the dog cant punch above its weight then let it be doubled up, at least it will be getting the right kind of work it deserves without taking too much punishment
  10. prefer a single, but lets be honest in this game its doubled up most nights
  11. look at 90% of bull x's on here, they are very clearly bred out of shit!! theres only 10% of all the bull x's on here that actually are well bred
  12. every lurcher in the world will make 25/26tts if you ask people on here....that must be the only size every 1 knows
  13. bull x's are very handy dogs if bred right, but ur statement is true, there is too much shit been bred together for the £££
  14. hows the blue dog bred mate? its a belter
  15. excellent thread.....keep it going, riohog great pics mate you have got some great experience with the saluki's atb
  16. few years ago a patterdale attacked my lurcher, wich was aroun 7month at the time, it tore the skin on her rib cage, luckily it wasnt too bad but i used tea tree cream and spray and kept on cleaning it, with in 2weeks it had just about healed
  17. if you where to do a fair amount of road miles aswell as offroad use, then would a "general at" set of tires be bests?
  18. great thread mate!! some great sport youre dogs are getting!! whats the breeding of the dog on the left?, also do you have any more pics of him? cheers
  19. i would rather have a dog with % drive and 20% brains...........i think brains can cost you a price of a smaller bag of quarry............as a lot of dogs with alot of brain tend to be more idle in a way.........if that makes sence?
  20. should turn out a tidy dog that mate
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