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Everything posted by bull101

  1. Not being funny bud, but its folk like you that are the reason we CANT do anything. Make the effort and chap some doors, you cant spit the dummy out the pram for getting hassle for being somewhere you shouldnt. Common sense prevails. Just my opinion though. FTB fair point mate, but if you dont get out there and do it you end up been an internet hunter like some on here................ put the effort in to drive up to your permission then you wont get the hassel from arse holes with nothing better to do for the sake of showing the dog a few rabbits its not
  2. Not being funny bud, but its folk like you that are the reason we CANT do anything. Make the effort and chap some doors, you cant spit the dummy out the pram for getting hassle for being somewhere you shouldnt. Common sense prevails. Just my opinion though. FTB fair point mate, but if you dont get out there and do it you end up been an internet hunter like some on here................
  3. nice summer hare wounder what they are like in the winter
  4. some of the best looking pups iv seen in a while
  5. Bull you could save money on a different configuration,smaller solar panel,one battery etc,just remember to make sure there is enough power for the needs of your kennel,atb, Higgins yes i need to look into the right size and also what i will use the energy for, so i get the right set up Get the largest size (in Amps)batteries and largest Solar panel you can afford,these are the two main components,good luck, higgins. cheers mate, appreciate it
  6. Bull you could save money on a different configuration,smaller solar panel,one battery etc,just remember to make sure there is enough power for the needs of your kennel,atb, Higgins yes i need to look into the right size and also what i will use the energy for, so i get the right set up
  7. will mainly be powering, "heating", "lighting" and maybe "surveilence" so would be plenty that, thanks for info mate
  8. how much does the solar kit work out at? as im looking into installing it in the future, when i start my block kennels, cheers
  9. fuk me what you been feeding it? looks like a seal lol
  10. any chance of getting 1 uploaded? thanks didt you see the mother when they was weeks old wasnt it you who was interested and never got back intouch if so then you will have seen the bitch on the photos. no mate wasnt me no worries pal shes a strog bitch anyway atb rebel ok pal, just wanted to see the bitch used as the pups look spit of my old bitch
  11. any chance of getting 1 uploaded? thanks didt you see the mother when they was weeks old wasnt it you who was interested and never got back intouch if so then you will have seen the bitch on the photos. no mate wasnt me
  12. nice set up's lads these dogs are quite upper-class living arent they haha
  13. do you have a pic of the bitch used to these pups MLB? cheers
  14. nice dog that mate, big heavy thing int he, he a single hander?
  15. one of my old dogs was a c**t for this, every day guarenteed her tail would split, i ended up wrapping the tip up with dressing for a while then after that it never split again
  16. i would say try to use a taller bitch to produce taller pups
  17. been using a deben tracer max for a while now and i must say its a great lamp never had a problem with it (over 3/4years now).........but must admit the beam isnt as long range as the striker
  18. looks rather heavy for its breedig..........
  19. if you want a dog for rabbits get a beddy whippet or sumat
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