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Everything posted by bull101

  1. do lamp ur saluki's or just day time work them?
  2. i would think same applies for all the lighforce lamps??
  3. almost everytime we go lamping we come across some people doggin in a layby, and every time we cant help ourself, to go up 2 the car then flick the lamp on!! most people shit themself and drive off. but 1 time we were lamping a local gol course and saw a car behind some trees on the course, so did the usual and approached the car, flicked the lamp on to find a couple must have been in their 60's!! by now they normally drive off with ghost white faces, but this couple had other plans, when she noticed we had a lamp on them both she stoped sucking the old bloke off, turned around and gave
  4. prob a long shot but see if a lens cover from deben will fit it pal
  5. personally i would opt for a bull greyhound, as you need something more leggy to balance out the bulk of the bull
  6. the DEBEN CYCLOPSE has a 400m beam, and personally think 600m is ideal
  7. i would think that the battery life on LED would last a full nights lamping with out much dimming
  8. would LED have enough power to produce a long range lamp though?
  9. hahahah!! could not help myself!!
  10. that roxy dog, looks like "TAFFYBULL's" bull x
  11. iv got a great litter coming up, dam is pedigree pug, never had a season with out being knocked up so shes a 10year old birthing machine, never let me down once!!, sire is a 32" great dane, with a dash of bull greyhound in him, doing everything, well hard dog doesnt feel a thing got a 12" wanger so can do some knocking in damage......these pups will excell in the right hands dogs 500 bitches 700
  12. theres some sad fukin c**ts on this site!!, why the hell do you have to lie??!!! why dont you just say you made the dog box instead of sayin u payed 200 for it??................. get a life mate its pathetic!! too many liars on this site
  13. i think you are doin a good job and keep it up
  14. i know where your coming from "BUSHER", but lets be right 99.9% of people slating it are envious of these lads on the dvd
  15. well said mate, and i doubt you will get any takers
  16. come on now thats hardly a true account of what really goes on, i'll put it in the proper order for you..... smashing fences, driving fields, and pimping whores is only a night time exercise, dealing crack and mugging old ladys pretty much fills the daylight hours..... now i know a lot of people asked if there is a better dvd on the market ????, well imo the answer to that is YES, theres several all show quite a lot of doubleing up but there is also a fair amount of single handed scenes..... these are the top 10 films imo..... Gangbangs of New York Womb Raider Schindler's Fist Sta
  17. belter of a dog that mate, whats in his make-up? He is Minshaw with a bit of bull added. hes a belter, a few lads who i know run that type of dog and they are excellent lampers!
  18. haha i love how the green eyed monsters are sayin that it gives lurchermen bad names etc etc................but its doubled up foxing, they arent driving the fields smashing fences, muggin old ladies at the side of the road, dealing crack, pimping whores!!! and credit to the lads!!! how many of you envious people are out as much as these lads, or better still end up with a tally of foxes they account for on nights lamping??!!!........... how many can honestly say? i bet its .0%
  19. belter of a dog that mate, whats in his make-up?
  20. belter that mate!, hows the wheaton x doing mate?
  21. "STEVE S.YORKS" were bouts in roth you at mate?
  22. im from your neck of woods "STABBA", and i know a few that are regular shooters on estates round me and even so there is no chance of any permission
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