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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. it took ya til 25 to learn to spell your name and sign up you dosser lol lol id mastered 4 trades by 18 you fruitcake lol heres me lad not 2 for months already showing more initiative then you at 22 lol
  2. same with his brother wasnt it supposed to a been a bodyguard shot him from behind
  3. lol ye i don’t read i buy the sun everyday and countryman’s weekly and air gunner every week lol it’s more educational then the tripe you put on here
  4. who’s account do you read ?
  5. thinking isn’t his strong point he’s more a read repeat type a guy lol
  6. see the fsb have grabbed the shooters that’s them tortured to death and familys be going
  7. id say you could be on the money mate
  8. i’ll get ourlass to grab it crimbo can’t be any worse then john fury and tyson books she got me crimbo got binned without reading lol
  9. ye mack trucks scania did a bullnose be good to see the sales what was about i’ll have a look for the book
  10. lol been an experience driving about out there ali bet you had a few close calls i always liked there big bull nose trucks look the part they hare course there chart ?
  11. think i’m amsterdam or spain august for ourlasses birthday so i’ll be back on it then lol it’s like ale i’ll have a few bits crimbo like out it’s ok in moderation have you ever been on a plane looked down and seen the sky looked up and seen land lol
  12. sounds it mate i like your thinking driving about in a mustang there wouldn’t be any other way
  13. you really need help lol there ain’t a deep state ? haven’t leaders mentioned the new world order multiple times ? have you ever seen bill gates talk openly about de population ? a lot a the times i think you pulling me leg no grown man can be as naive as you mate unless plucked from the wild some jungle tribe just found lol
  14. got a good runner years ago from running tin mate bloke near the asda think his old lady bred collies
  15. ffs lol you are a cracker lol
  16. i’ve seen bits on kennedy chart who did they blame for that lol or ye russia lol ffs it’s comical bet that was good having a walk about the scene i never mentioned kate lol
  17. lol get your head back in a book your head would frazzle if you had to think for yourself yes boss me a good nigger lol how do you feel when you see foreigners who hate the country give money housing and food while your fellow army man kips in a doorway ruined ? shame your not fighting for them aye
  18. soon be over once trump gets in i was watching retired generals saying ukraine can’t win there having to kidnap f***ing indians and use kids ffs lol lost a full country of there men just about at least zelensky will retire comfortably off all the money while our own die from underfunding and can’t feed thereself
  19. lol not a full bite you would be one to believe oswald killed kennedy osama was the brains behind 911 and covid was from bats and russia blew up there own pipeline evidently lol
  20. id never of thought you to be this gullible chart ffs mate lol the yanks blow up gas pipes blame others now there killing innocents in stadiums but it’s isis lol this isn’t the first time isis have done things for the yanks is it ?
  21. shows who is running these terrorist organisations don’t it
  22. garlic sauce not bad from there mack
  23. mC HULL


    loads a shite mate best value the launch ones
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