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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. look like bug eyed show stuff lol got that runty look to them in the head no leg no definition not a rib in site sorry bangers lol
  2. do you even look at it as bullying at the time ?its a dog eat dog world mate some people born nasty c**ts it in them some its from shit they experienced id say
  3. its a strange one aint it you can go from been bullied by older lads most got it really at time akin to mental torture to stopping bullying of lads mams offering to cook you dinner for helping there lad etc to most likely been what some would describe as a bad bully yourself without relising it
  4. footballers are shite compared to 20year ago gone backwards
  5. thats it bolt a few and slip the dog this clearing the place digging them out aint the way never was
  6. it was big when i was a kid mate you dont see anyone with it now do you
  7. mine them vacuum but the black strip just coming off in a spot glue do it ?
  8. like you say i dont think he really meant out by it saunders fought the best his generation you have to respect that just the traveller lads give him loads abuse so he took his chance to return it i recon lol it was comical lol
  9. nice type that chart you both ever fancy a sneak about be more than welcome
  10. or take that leather lead you have in your hand and treat it like its 1830 mississippi lol
  11. i would say hes nobodys fool mate i think that was for talking about world champion calling him a cur amongst other thing lol like i said a character some people just didnt find it funny lol
  12. to be fair if mp like the limelight im truthful he is the real deal mate but a gentleman and good craic just like if me and you were out taking piss if im winning it will come time other way around thats dogs lol hes a character funny man
  13. looks like its seen plenty a running
  14. thats it mate well turned out dog and enjoy the day
  15. mine there was 50 yds mate not 100 but im sneaking up on farmer clearing dyke needed it other way
  16. anything not very very good he wouldnt keep shit dogs give him some credit me ill turn up any time any month for the run and my dogs be well turned out and stop me something no lying or back biting if your dog runs well ill say ill walk any land speak any farmer and keep up with the best of them sneaking about i have descent land and hares but dont take my word for it ask mp or russ rowley says as much in passion for coursing book ive spoke to robin seem a great bloke keen and fit as out from what ive heard old chalky use to pop see me old man
  17. spot on gl is 11 times good this time a year sandy land or is that plodding ?ive never coursed to rules so couldnt say
  18. he metioned breeding that bitch he got off cn but nothing about lucky good hardy bitch that and i seen kill hares it was struggling to control good bitch his lucas bred is young hes happy but i aint seen her yet
  19. herders and master lol only one person lol i dont know ill ask him when i speak to him mate didnt know any worked or he still had any
  20. and remember sand slugs to slow for bunnys lol
  21. be 3-4 this time a year scarce want it seed really i wouldnt match meself mate just hassle but against someone like nuttal i would becuase from what lads say hes as fair as can be will let go
  22. ill put it up soon pure siister to snickers x joe fh bred off his old match dog bulldozer her grandad
  23. lets do it then non ped little red plodder 100 yd slips ill put the land on gl ?lol
  24. gl can your whippet bend one 11 times in a minute now ? truthfully and there fast types
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