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Everything posted by mC HULL

  1. it would but the nation would rather watch the football lol f**k the flag
  2. that’s the least of our country’s problems chart
  3. lol compared to you mate i’m like einstein shaark and bakerboy both put there heads together and came up with there countrys new flag for there shirt lol
  4. someone who was president knows exactly how corrupt the usa is tells you something listen lol he said the obama founded isis got to admit they helped the us in libya
  5. funny how trump who caused no war put his self in office has no one to answer to is no good lol wake up ffs lol
  6. who did trump say founded isis stiff ?
  7. ye see how stiff does when he bumps into them chechens lol
  8. there nuclear submarines they don’t need bases lol words of advise your superiors are telling you were taking russia there a paper tiger tell them stop lying you daft c**t your gonna get us killed
  9. ye they don’t have nuclear submarines armed with nuclear war heads lol we do aswell but ours fall in the sea after 200 ft lol f***ing paper tiger lol
  10. not much use fighting in ukraine when you already have the ports under control lol he has nuclear submarines boats are irrelevant most likely why we have few lol
  11. at least he has a navy aye lol
  12. maybe why putin has had kid gloves on he thinks there the same people
  13. and it wasn’t isis the weren’t committing jihad or they would a blew there self up aswell and what thick c**ts come from tajikistan threw countrys across to moscow to do that then try getting into ukraine we’re the russians will be looking lol instead a going the other way home lol all this will do is get ukraine hammered properly
  14. you don’t even realise what you just did there do you lol so there russian but ukraine crimea donbass ain’t ? lol
  15. the terrorists were not russian stiff tajikistan
  16. id say his situation was freedom
  17. aint i ali joined the nation of islam more about blacks then muhammad lol right then let’s hear your thoughts on islam move give you mine
  18. not all commit jihad stiff but you can bet everything you have they all celebrate it some overtly some not but they all do
  19. ali was a black man in america who joined the nation of islam not exactly muhadajdeen
  20. he’s a real by the book type a guy lol
  21. there’s different types a jihad lol did he call white men ? from a pig to a dog
  22. because no viet cong ever called him a nigger lol he had a brain knew the usa we’re in the wrong again and wasn’t going to be used as cannon foddder or spat on when he got back by his own people
  23. i’m the dopey junkie your the book smart gentleman lol and you want me to educate you ?
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