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Everything posted by francolin

  1. camcorders killed the job in 70s neil, along with the knobheads that used them atb.
  2. that's good going Thrush, got my first at 11 years of age, am 54 so had a few terriers, only a couple I would class as v good, depends what folk are happy with, atb
  3. got to page 6 that's me done , take people as YOU find them atb lads.
  4. good read ,if only every body thought this way
  5. great fowl lads, its nice to see all clean set ups,good stockmanship credit to ya ,atb
  6. TOO OLD TO HUNT lol ,don't be fooled foxbolter theres a lot of young lads into the rifles, it is very affective, but some of the numbers shot in some areas are sick. some young lads don't last two mins, following hounds on foot, some of us that are too old, are there at the end ,at our own pace, but always there till every hound is boxed up atb.
  7. Amen to that although i think his job is going to get harder every year , every so often some wanker makes a remark on face book page (maybe a anti) about how no one working there dogs right, and the next thing there is whole pile of photos which should never of been taken never mind posted all over the place , with these muppets there bullx, terriers and quarry all covered in blood ... they will be hack it a season or two f***ing up the sport their battle cry being f**k the ban .............FU(KING MUPPETS that's a classic glyn battle cry f..k the ban .
  8. grand little addition to ya team gaz, get a collar on mate,at some point she will drop in, be prepared or prepare to fail atb,
  9. in what way? genuine question, not havein a dig, sorry worded it a bit blunt. In what way what? requires field craft, I don't shoot ,don't know one end of gun from other, but my son took me out with night vision ,it seemed v easy, not much field craft, I might add only shooting rabbits on this occasion, As in you still have to use field craft to get the right direction of the wind with out it scenting you! Last year when snow was on I saw I fox every night for 5 nights with thermal couldn't get near it for a shot tracked it for 7 days on hands and knees thru forestry blocks
  10. in what way? genuine question, not havein a dig, sorry worded it a bit blunt. In what way what? requires field craft, I don't shoot ,don't know one end of gun from other, but my son took me out with night vision ,it seemed v easy, not much field craft, I might add only shooting rabbits on this occasion,
  11. in what way? genuine question, not havein a dig, sorry worded it a bit blunt.
  12. Was the fell terriers original job to account for foxs in places that could not be dug or was this just more shit to fill pages in books. Was the fell terriers original job to account for foxs in places that could not be dug or was this just more shit to fill pages in books. fell terriers were bred to kill foxes pal Fell terriers were bred to serve the owners purpose,in the Dales and Fells were the breed flourished,then furnished kennels further afield,many of these owners needed a terrier that could shift the fox from its underground haunts,a dead fox below served little purpose,mu
  13. with pups fair enough, some times too much going on and too much input from other folk, the pups don't get a fair chance ,patience is the key,and nobody takin piss when things don't go too well
  14. I was brought up on the grey box, and befor that no box at times lol,but watching my lads with the bellman which I am not allowed to mess with,they are the bees knees, no terrier should be without one these days.
  15. cant beat a dig in company, if the right boys are there, but you do need thick skin at times
  16. very few lines are what they seem lads,terrier lads r not renowned for keeping accurate records,some do,but a lot get mixed up,added to as time passes,its a shame but true,very few no whats what,steve did keep a nice type of black ,same as DW bull looking,years ago he showed me a photo of the bull that was added ,at that time steves were bad for fighting ,but not seen any his terriers for a good while,
  17. real smart pics mate, keep em safe , and keep putting them up
  18. ha ha no worries mate we cant all be celebs in the terrier world,just been over water ,met some great lads but not throwing names on here, just noticed hes reading this thread ,cant thank him enough, you know who ya are, THANKS AGAIN, offer is there any time at mine ,
  19. ha ha no worries mate we cant all be celebs in the terrier world,just been over water ,met some great lads but not throwing names on here,
  20. Nothing would surprise me. I went into a lads yard a few years back with another lad. There was two brown pups in a pen. I asked who bred them. He said Neil Cooney. you must be one of the big names neil. lol atb
  21. spot on neil,and its a struggle to get a terrier back if you end up without for any reason,this gifting terriers should work both ways.
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