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About resistance

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. Have one out and other feeders too. Just have to wait and see a suppose
  2. Hi all live in a small town and was wondering with being in a town will I still be able to attract small finches and different species of birds. Or will they not be too keen to venture from woodlands
  3. Opened a vixen with 8. Not looking uncommon! Used to only see litters a 4 max as a nipper maself !
  4. Good that the pups and mother doing well. All the best with em
  5. Some fine young ones lads all the best when the time comes
  6. Wouldn't say that a paid a fair sum for mine tbh but worth every penny in my eyes. And yes eBay folks that's where a found mine luckily just by luck aswell.
  7. Bad crack that boys. Setting up dogs to be nicked. That's backfill for sure
  8. Well I think it's a brilliant thing and wish there was more stuff like that in U.K. Hunter or no hunter it's atleast letting the dogs get a taste of the lifestyle they were bred for so to speak
  9. Some crackin dogs lads. Best a luck with em
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