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baldockbanks courser

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Everything posted by baldockbanks courser

  1. A world full of jack hargreaves and Alf Garnets, Then my bloody alarm woke me up! now that would be a better England!
  2. Nice one watchman just what I was going to ask! to think all these years and I never knew why the dog iv kept had its name! I also herd there was episods on finch catching and keeping, obviouslie such practices are strictlie illegal and punishable by hanging now er days and can not be condoned tut tut tut,
  3. id love to buiy d.v.d of it if it were avaliable, it gives you an insight of how things were and changing, when he said how the lurcher boomed in popularity around the 70s partlie due to them becoming an "anti establishment dog" is still to an extent true now, I was surprised to see alot of saluki xs at the game fair even then, and when he said even MACHO WOMEN keept lurchers made me laugth he knew his stuff ! LOL
  4. just found a clip " jack hargreaves the lurcher" he talks of not many bedlingtons being around even in them days, and the reason a lurcher is called a lurcher and on what travellers called there dogs, the man talks a lot of sense and has a knowledgeable and mellow voice. Even with all todays technology the likes off black dog trading and the warrener cant make anything half as intresting, in fact I think if I was forced to watch and listen to that mans videos from sporting days Id throw myself from a bridge!!! all the cerisma of a jelly fish, but Im sure hes a nice chap but so mono tone an
  5. This should be on t.v still we wouldnt have kids rioting thed be in the country side! Iv just looked this up on you tube, my father in law used to watch it, theres tales of ferreting with lurchers to british bird keeping the lot! not clever eneough to put links up but sure someone could help please. . . When old boys like this die so do years of English tradition and knowledge, this should be cherished not kept in a bbc volt, this is were you tube is so good. nice to see how lurcher work and the country side was before I was even thought of ! !
  6. hi mate dave platts of liester england has pure working dh excuse my spelling not very good at it but does dave work he pure deerhounds the vertict still out ,on he even works he,s deerhound x nevermind he pures I have doxhope/cooklands and there shaping up well, I say it as I see It and I saw a platts bitch run the other week and that could run! from what I saw good running style and game with it.
  7. I tried to send you a message but I couldnt so ill put it here, I Own a 12 month bitch breed from Doxhope/cooklands Busard but not from trevor cooks bitches. Iv spoken to trevor a number of times by phone since I got her and I told him my brother wanted a deerhound greyhound to run when we go out aswell, I also told trevor what would be expected and what we will be running down our end with them. few months later a full litter sister to your 2 came back to trevor at 9 months, trevor rung and we bought her, there all peas in the pood and she is the same as your bitch in appearence. I d
  8. be lovely in the winter that! and will stink off p*ss. wont cost alot to bang a concrete base in will it.
  9. numbers all the way for me with my lurchers. its the only way to gage a working dog, I dont watch a lurcher run for the pleasure of watching, the lurchers been breed to kill and thats what they need to do be it rabbit, hare , fox or deer its consistency , they wont all be great but if running all ground they wont all be duds. do u eat much of your kills ...im liek a carp angler always after that special hare or fish.. then i go to mcdonalds or kfc on way home..i dont want a dog that can kill 6 shit hares and then go onto land where hares are a bit special and get blew off... thats what it
  10. numbers all the way for me with my lurchers. its the only way to gage a working dog, I dont watch a lurcher run for the pleasure of watching, the lurchers been breed to kill and thats what they need to do be it rabbit, hare , fox or deer its consistency , they wont all be great but if running all ground they wont all be duds.
  11. do you lamp large numbers of rabbits yourself? if you run two dogs and you take 60 your dogs will still only get eneougth time to get there tonges in while the other dog runs before they run again beleive you me thell need to be fit. If I took your dog on a feild and run it 1 run after another on 60 rabbits youd either have to stay out a very long time to give the dog eneogh rest or it will fall over, my dogs are breed to "stay" but no dog can run rabbit after rabbit with out a break the man behind the lamp should know better. Just to add im not defending this new male mute x I th
  12. iv never come across one but thats only my experience. If when my little girl grows up she wants to keep dogs id have no problem with it at all. what I will say is I see lots of women with heaps of lurchers of all shapes and sizes on leads at game fairs but I certainlie dont think them same women are out grafting them show ponies in winter! but the same could be said for men who show lurchers too I suppose.
  13. if people spent as much time walking or workin lurchers as they do keeping there pens cleaner than there own kitchen they wouldnt have no mess to pick up.
  14. every man on here cleans there dogs out at least once or twice a day! and your not just talking picking the sh*t up but a full disinfectant daily and new beds once a week! and every one does that hand on heart every day? o.k if you keep one kennel. I keep my dogs on deep saw dust and just pick the Sh*t out when I see it usually daily but not always, then change the dust once a week sometimes a fortnight and I bet when I clean it, it still smells better than pi*s sitting on slabs or concrete for a few hours. As for a good plastic greyhound bedding you should at least get a month from it wh
  15. iv no expereince at all of blue hares and you have so If you say it possible your in a better postion than me too judge.
  16. a staff catch a blue hare? I hear they are easy going on open ground for an average lurcher but thats some claim that a pure staff cand catch a blue hare! its not about my standards ! but Iwouldnt use a staff for lurcher work myself.
  17. HALF HOUR! id expect my lurcher to get to scotland in half hour! I accedentlie went to the first ever page of the lurcher section the other day . . . . granted This was years ago and before the ban but there seemed to be people talking about hunting. this is about pet staffs! how can you see your dog "chasing deer for half an hour? either you were on land that resembaled th sahara desert or they was running round a traffic round about! also if your dog is slow like you say how did the deer not just run away from him? I only came on here because her in doors is watching
  18. Im sorry for that comment to scots hunter which I have edited it was an insult to far made in the heat of the momment and in retrospect was in poor taste. appologise Scots hunter for that comment.
  19. This probablie will cause you heaps of agg with go backers. But put up or shut up as they say, so Id give you respect offering to run people thats all you can do to silence the critics. theres a lot of Lemons on here who when you look on there profile have a ridiculouse amount of "average posts a day"! Surlie they can hardlie have the time to walk a lurcher never mind work 1. ( thats your cue 1,000000posts SCOTS HUNTER, BAW, DOG MAGIC etc ). A lot would never put there dogs on show in the feild because the only rabbits theve seen was when they watcheds watership down ! lol
  20. This probablie will cause you heaps of agg with go backers. But put up or shut up as they say, so Id give you respect offering to run people thats all you can do to silence the critics. theres a lot of Lemons on here who when you look on there profile have a ridiculouse amount of "average posts a day"! Surlie they can hardlie have the time to walk a lurcher never mind work 1. ( thats your cue 1,000000posts SCOTS HUNTER, BAW, DOG MAGIC etc ). A lot would never put there dogs on show in the feild because the only rabbits theve seen was when they watcheds watership down ! lol
  21. This probablie will cause you heaps of agg with go backers. But put up or shut up as they say, so Id give you respect offering to run people thats all you can do to silence the critics. theres a lot of Lemons on here who when you look on there profile have a ridiculouse amount of "average posts a day"! Surlie they can hardlie have the time to walk a lurcher never mind work 1. ( thats your cue 1,000000posts SCOTS HUNTER, BAW, DOG MAGIC etc ). A lot would never put there dogs on show in the feild because the only rabbits theve seen was when they watcheds watership down !
  22. To all the good people who call me baldrick and slate me for not keeping skidders and stock that I dont value as workers and not keeping dogs as pets. I ask you this how do you find the time to WALK your dogs let alone WORK THEM? you must be on the computer 24/7, all the LEMONS who will no doubt reply to this and take the time to reply to other things I put up, you all seem to have pretty hight average "comments per day" when I look on your profiles ! ! baw for example 30 odd a day ! and if you look theres plenty like him. mines about 0.5 a day this is due to the fact Im out in the
  23. You keep throwing the " p***y " word about! But why are you using travelling words and phrases all the time? i.e "Gavers" for police and calling me a " Mothers C*** " on here the other day ? Are you a wanna be ? and not that it matters but no sane dog would go through a hedge strait behind a teathered horse they would find another safer gap. same old people slagging people off all the time on here.
  24. Id say it would be illegal to ride a bike on a path full stop, thats why i was on the road. there must be someone with a bit of legal knowledge, id ask clive rees but hyed want about a grand to answer that question! !
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