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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. Only thing he fast enough to get away from.
  2. I'm goin with the Bristol Bomber.
  3. I'll have to get a picture up of my little catahoula bulldog for yall. He's a nice young pup so far. Got a great attitude and he is extremely smart.
  4. She definately has the look. Very nice.
  5. The vast majority of runners never quit,when the tanks empty they will rest and run again,a dog does not have to catch everything it chases,time after time they miss,run out of steam or become unsighted.the word quit means the dog does,nt want it anymore,which is seldom the case. Must be that beddy blood in them dogs you keep.
  6. What a silly question. so you dont know Like f**k I dont know. Those who know just know bro. what i want to know is how do you know More silliness. I'm out.
  7. What a silly question. so you dont know Like f**k I dont know. Those who know just know bro.
  8. Nice haul. I bet I aint seen 49 rabbits in the last 10 years round here.
  9. i am not bothered about the colour mate it could be pink and fluffy for me haha Well then good luck cuz if it aint big and blue it aint a true bull cross.
  10. You'll want something big and blue fella. Dont stand for nothin but big and blue. It does the bidness.
  11. You dont ever have to breed back to a full greyhound, saluki, deerhound, etc.
  12. Not only that but do folks actually breed bull crosses over there considering the chances of seeing a good bulldog these days in the UK are like finding rockin horse shit.
  13. Just take em out and let them be pups for the rest of the year and the summer. Come next fall you can start spotlighting rabbits for em.
  14. It doesnt matter what you want really. It matters what the dog is gonna do. We all want a dog to be good cuz it sucks when they aint but facts are there aint many good uns. Not only that but this shakin thing is silly talk. There is no need for a dog to be a shaker to be a good kill dog. As a matter of fact the best kill dogs I have seen rarely if ever shook. The only time they "shook" was to rattle and confuse in order to take a proper hold. One that was accomplished it was all over the dying.
  15. Put your dog on a buncha fox by itself. It will either learn to kill the sumbitches or it will quit. Either way you win. There is no need for any extra bullshit training of the dog. Dont complicate something as simple as killing fox, just go hunt the damn dog. And as far as introducing them. If that dog is ready to go on them now, just start takin it by itself. You did right by puttin it with another dog to get it to catch and fire into them but now its time to see if the dog will learn anything by itself. Trust me there are alot of dogs that simply wont learn to do it right ever an
  16. Toss the whippet out and I'd imagine they'd be alright for doing most stuff if they had good parents.
  17. Them boys that think they want to run a track dog out in the field outa take them dogs up into that country and just let em f**k about for a year with a pup or at least a young dog. They prolly wont see much game so not much chance of gettin hurt. Then take em out at night in the open ground and just let em f**k about and hunt and shit before they ever turn a lamp on for them.
  18. They will definately know how to place their feet under em. Dogs raised like that rarely if ever get hurt no matter what their breed.
  19. Great way to raise pups. Nice pictures and thanks for not puttin them gay ass captions on there. In all seriousness though, you are doing a great job raising them pups.
  20. Dont bring us crackheads into yalls pissin match. HAHA!
  21. cp, dont be afraid of how good them pups would be. I know you not used to having a real "game" dog and all but you can handle it old man.
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