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Dan Edwards

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Everything posted by Dan Edwards

  1. If I saw your dogs doing what I wanted, then of course I'd want one ! What you need to understand Dan, is that there is, I bet, far more Lurcher breeders and workers, PER CAPITA, here in the UK than there is in the 'States. Everyone and his brother are breeding shit !! A guy gets a bitch of his mate, who has been told it's bred one way and he breeds it with a dog he's got from the pound, and then advertises them as somthing that they aren't !! All I'm saying, is if I get a dog from genuine parents, say a Deerhound and a Greyhound; at least I have a good idea what it will be ! I also have a Lur
  2. If I saw your dogs doing what I wanted, then of course I'd want one ! What you need to understand Dan, is that there is, I bet, far more Lurcher breeders and workers, PER CAPITA, here in the UK than there is in the 'States. Everyone and his brother are breeding shit !! A guy gets a bitch of his mate, who has been told it's bred one way and he breeds it with a dog he's got from the pound, and then advertises them as somthing that they aren't !! All I'm saying, is if I get a dog from genuine parents, say a Deerhound and a Greyhound; at least I have a good idea what it will be ! I also have a Lur
  3. I think it's silly to breed two dogs together that cant do what you are wanting the offspring to do and thats 99% of what first crosses are. Edit to say that now if you show me a greyhound that can consistently catch the hares over there on the fens and a deerhound that can consitantly pull down fallow bucks then I'm all in for a that litter of first crosses.
  4. Take for example the male dog on the right and the yella gyp. They are mongrels but they aint bad for being mutts.
  5. So if you lived near me and seen my male dog and my female take game consistantly would you want a pup off them? Or would they not be good enough cuz they are NOT a genuine half cross deer grey? Edited to put the not in there.
  6. Well Dan; I brought in a 1st cross Deer/Grey to do a specific job that my 23" lurcher was having a struggle with. She does the job EXACTLY as I wanted. Why didn't I go for a Lurcher x Lurcher to do the job, I hear you ask; well, it may be different where you are, but there are a lot of breeders here who will simply tell you what you want to hear !! I know someone who bought a "Line bred Deer/Grey x", and when it only made 24", they went back to the breeder, who told them; "Oh, I forgot ! There is also Collie in the line" !! Getting a 1st x, you at least have a good idea what they will turn out
  7. It's f****n 2012 boys! Why in the world are folks still talkin bout first cross shit. Doesnt make a damn bit of sense.
  8. i will tell a mod Please do and tell em to check into moscow's thread while they are at it. That thread is makin me wanna have man on man and thats just sick.
  9. This thread should be deleted. Its an absolute waste.
  10. What a stupid comment, the man has done right by this pup when he bred it and at least he is trying to fix the problem now. I love some of the clowns on here I really do I love you too!
  11. I just wasted 5 minutes of my life. I feel as if I have full blown AIDS now.
  12. wind ya neck in the lad is allowed to sell HIS pups And those that buy the pups can do whatever the fukk they want with them.
  13. Thats what you get for sellin dogs in the first place.
  14. Id love to see a bull x catch em nite after nite in america small fields are like the fens lol Where I live you wont be catchin hardly any with a spotlight. I edited it to also mention no matter what breed you use.
  15. Thanks stevemac. I think you'd like their style as well.
  16. If you have a daughter of Stitch available then you should definately breed that male dog to her. I have the littermate to your dog in the kennel with a daughter of Stitch right now so hopefully she will come in heat someday and he will get it done.
  17. That's utter horseshit. If that were true then how come greyhound breeders have more "wastage" than any other dog breeders? I understand you didnt say it but those who do are wrong and are just spewing shit.
  18. How does red compare to the half brother you got? I seen red when he was young and he wasnt that bad at all really but he wasnt in the class as this red dog I have at the same age. Of course I havent seen him as an adult though.
  19. Ya I know this dog here had a shit ton of whippet in him. Man I cant spell for shit in the mornings. Fixed.
  20. stuntcunt, nothing you say is relevant. Go eat some f****n yogurt would ya, ya fat c**t. On a serious note I agree about the greyhound deal but if I had my choice to breed to a greyhound or breed to one of my male coyote dogs it'd be a no brainer for me personally. Was actually just bullshittin with the old man about some things today and he brought up some good points. He was talkin back when they first started breeding field trial dogs and said that some of the half greys were every bit as fast if not faster than some of the 3/4 greys which I obviously knew but I forget shit sometimes
  21. His littermate is f****n awesome at it bluecollar. You should let somebody with a really good jag gyp breed to that f****r you got. Talk bout a cool kickass breeding in my opinion.
  22. The feet on that dog look like hound feet! Not frigile and pokey like a sighthound. Robust! Their feet are amazing to be quite honest and for some reason their toenails never grow.
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