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Everything posted by Baldcoot

  1. The mouth opened ,the words tumbled out in a jumble of OMG what did i just say as you realise the brain was in neutral whilst the mouth was in gear ???
  2. Yes its official Newcastle is closed so check out early or 2 weeks in a room in Newcastle for you my lad ???
  3. Browny points time is very painful for us husband types ,they have strange ideas them women do?
  4. Does seem a bit smoke n mirrors, warning of toerags yes .Tall tale ? Saw the article the other day and wondered why it hadn't made the TV news and or national newspapers?
  5. The wickes 1 is a fair depth Phil you may be pleasantly surprised or have a look at the big store box from Aldi for 15 quid that may suit your needs atb
  6. Banjo check,dungarees check ,6 toes on each hand check,bloodhound called Cleatus check ????
  7. Dont forget, never pick up the soap in the shower ??
  8. Its Latin name is costus nowtus which translated means they're loss your gain ,cheers easy. And paranoia is good ,who said that ??
  9. You got guests and i dont think you invited them
  10. Icotec 350 ,never pulled a fox near. Best fox call fake mouth caller 1.50 from China brought 4 foxes in. Technology isn't all its cracked up to be?
  11. Derbyshire police put warning posters up to deter hare coursing, like wow a sign that,l work . Far more scary than boots on the ground ?
  12. They don't care because the police don't come.Reported a silver Ford ranger no number plate 2xpikeys hare coursing police came out 3hours later and ooh shock they,d already "travelled "away??
  13. Bugga when that happens Si. Sat in a high seat watching for a clear shot on a Fallow whilst a fox sat at my feet ? To shoot the fox meant the Fallow would get away and shooting the deer meant foxy cleared off sharpish. Youl get them creatures of habit they,l be back.
  14. Oh and for all those who forgot Merica saved us from the nasty germans switched off U571 a load of scheisse about how they recovered the enigma machine without anyones help
  15. Watched Jungle last night ,shows just how dumb "woke ,hippy backpackers " are but its a true story and the main character had the will to survive x 20 a good use of a spare hour .
  16. So sorry to here this Jimmy ,itl be a great day for Natalie and a few good memories for you. Such an evil disease but the lads have done you proud and don't be surprised if Natalie outshoots you all . All the best Iain n Debbie
  17. You are a wise and sage man S/D ,i on the other hand must be a comedian looking for jokes as ive been married twice ??
  18. Get him trained before them wimmin get their hands on him Si ,a good days game shooting will distract him for a while
  19. There's a review or 3 on S/directory ,biggest issue built in battery expensive to replace allegedly. And if u don't remember to charge it takes ages. Save up and get Pulsar ,they just work ?
  20. Watched Greyhound last night ,disappointing should have been called an hour and half with Tom Hanks . The rest of the crew were also rans and the Untersee boats type 17 s looked realistic till you realized the wolfs head was on all of them ??
  21. Ooh handling sir ,sir likes it pumped does he sir get you sir ??
  22. Only guarantee in the UK ,the weather people dont have a clue.There as much use as an outside loo on an airplane.
  23. Poor driver, i understand you don't own a mirror ????
  24. Frustrating but not surprising ,they,re not known for their soft cuddly demeanour our Forestry companies are they .
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