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1 hour ago, Rabbit Hunter said:

You’ve misread the good old British sarcasm on that post I’d say, he’s not saying Gould has actually said them words.

I must of def missed the sarcasm,  because the way it reads sounds like he was making a statement like he knows him rather well.  So if that's what you call sarcasm then I apologize but it def does not look like sarcasm to me.  

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8 hours ago, Ace Boone coon said:

What I wrote had nothing to do with any PEDs nor stolen dog's Chesney if what you wrote was referring to me.  I made a comment to Glyn and nobody else till I saw rob mention Gould and what he used to say and do.  So I asked if he actually knows the man or just putting words in his mouth because what he said was rather ironic and I doubt he even knows the man to be making such a statement. 

If i directed that post at you ace boon i would have quoted ya or said its directed at you just a point im making alot shit comes with them black dogs no matter what so called big name they come from. Its the genuine lad that can only go of a mans word that seems ta get caught out with these fools of dogs some have paid very good money over the years only to hear down the road that theres a chance the pup he got could be bred a different way or the sire was not the worker he wss led to believe. Or that there only peddlers they cantkeep up with demand so they buy in more putting there names to it list goes on. 

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