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Mad malicious women.

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We are all familiar with the notion of abusive nasty men who, behind closed doors bully their women and children.

f**k them to hell and back.

But when I'm in the company of young men in a club I attend,( no not a poofters club),the conversation often strays to psycho,malicious wives and partners. Women who falsely accuse men of abuse,stalking,child cruelty, emotional abuse, rape ....what have you. I wish I had a pound for every decent  bloke I've heard complaining that their children have been turned against them or that their parental contact has been denied for no reason. I've seen men completely broken and ill with the  injustice and stress of it all. It seems naive to me to accept its always the man's fault in a relationship breakdown.

Jesus, I feel sorry for these guys, I can't think of any worse situation. It seems like there's a minefield of evil, calculating women out there.

I don't remember the problem when I was young. Both partners just soldiered on through the bad times together.

How widespread is this problem?

Edited by jukel123
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Been married 28 yr and get along with my mrs, don’t chase other fluff about like a demented perv, my family’s my main priority but I do have hobbies that me n boy do together , the girls do girl shit,

One word....'f***ing Tards'...I know enough lads who live  like that...Ive never understood why anyone would put up with that sort of behaviour in a relationship?...there aint a piece of pussy anywher

It's much more widespread than abusive men. Abusive men are very very rare. Yet we all know loads of blokes who are kept away from their kids and lied about. In fact it's a pleasant surprise when you

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27 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

We are all familiar with the notion of abusive nasty men who, behind closed doors bully their women and children.

f**k them to hell and back.

But when I'm in the company of young men in a club I attend,( no not a poofters club),the conversation often strays to psycho,malicious wives and partners. Women who falsely accuse men of abuse,stalking,child cruelty, emotional abuse, rape ....what have you. I wish I had a pound for every decent  bloke I've heard complaining that their children have been turned against them or that their parental contact has been denied for no reason. I've seen men completely broken and ill with the  injustice and stress of it all. It seems naive to me to accept its always the man's fault in a relationship breakdown.

Jesus, I feel sorry for these guys, I can't think of any worse situation. It seems like there's a minefield of evil, calculating women out there.

I don't remember the problem when I was young. Both partners just soldiered on through the bad times together.

How widespread is this problem?

Interesting one, I have some thoughts (surprise ! Lol) but I’ll wait and read if anyone has actual real experience.

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It's much more widespread than abusive men. Abusive men are very very rare. Yet we all know loads of blokes who are kept away from their kids and lied about. In fact it's a pleasant surprise when you hear of a break up where men are allowed regular access to their kids.

My ex once came home from a works do pissed up. I helped her up to bed and started making her comfy when she lashed out and spread my nose across my face then she promptly fell asleep. Next morning she woke up asking where the blood was from and who id been fighting. Now can you imagine if it was the other way around.....if I'd come home drunk and smacked her one? I'd of been in prison or at least some sort of register.... never safe to be allowed near another woman! Yet everyone found it hilarious that she had thumped me... even her mum and dad laughed. 

Women are all mental to a greater or lesser degree and all, given the opportunity, can be capable of extreme cruelty 

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I think it’s an expansive question…..and I think in its simplest form it’s a case of people doing things too quick, too young in many cases.

People do stuff before they grow up….and that gives rise to childish (and in many cases increasing nasty) behaviour.

Its like how many jealous people do you come across in the world ?….but the reality is, if someone’s going to f**k off then they are going to f**k off….why worry ? 

It took me one bird when I was 16/17 to get the measure of lunatic birds and I did what any sane person would do and f****d her off…..what I didn’t do was go making the same mistake again which I also think happens a lot.

How many people do you see that seem to go from one wreck of a relationship to another, time after time ?……it’s like “learn a f***ing lesson” !

But the reality is probably they are just a f**k wit too and I’m a big believer in like attracts like.

Then you see them going off and having kids and your like “what made you think that was a good idea” ? 

Childish decisions by people who have not had a chance to grow up.

All of that is of course massive and harsh generalisations, sometimes things just don’t work but that imho is a different thing……when it comes to loons, surely you must have half a clue 6 or 8 months into a relationship ?…..if you have been about a bit it ain’t that hard to spot a horrible c**t.

If you ain’t f****d them off or worse gone and had kids with them by then, then it’s your own fault. 

Edited by WILF
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53 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

We are all familiar with the notion of abusive nasty men who, behind closed doors bully their women and children.

f**k them to hell and back.

But when I'm in the company of young men in a club I attend,( no not a poofters club),the conversation often strays to psycho,malicious wives and partners. Women who falsely accuse men of abuse,stalking,child cruelty, emotional abuse, rape ....what have you. I wish I had a pound for every decent  bloke I've heard complaining that their children have been turned against them or that their parental contact has been denied for no reason. I've seen men completely broken and ill with the  injustice and stress of it all. It seems naive to me to accept its always the man's fault in a relationship breakdown.

Jesus, I feel sorry for these guys, I can't think of any worse situation. It seems like there's a minefield of evil, calculating women out there.

I don't remember the problem when I was young. Both partners just soldiered on through the bad times together.

How widespread is this problem?

Slaves to a pussy.....with no back bone....let them f***ing ride it👍

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9 minutes ago, Daniel cain said:

Slaves to a pussy.....with no back bone....let them f***ing ride it👍

I had a couple of casual lads in working for me once, on the way home one of thems birds was phoning and phoning, nagging the f***ing granny out of him about everything from fish fingers to kids nappies and he was like a little school boy.

She must have phoned him 15 times in a hour and half journey.

I said to him “f***ing hell mate, that all sounds like a pile of shit” and he said “She gets really angry and jealous and sometimes she tells me the kids ain’t mine !!” 

I said “How old are you son ?”

28 says matey !!…….

How many kids you got ?

2 he says !

How old is your bird ?

Shes 20 says matey ! 

What do you say to that ??

Fuckwits attracting fuckwits !…..a grown bloke wrapping himself round a kid and them both believing that a relationship is about controlling abusive behaviour because that’s what they watched on the telly !……all you can do is shake your head. 


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13 minutes ago, mackem said:

Got to sift a lot of gravel to find a diamond……That ends todays lesson.

I agree but it’s a different thing plotting up with them, if you plotted up with every bird you get across before finding someone who ain’t a mental defective you’d have to live about 4000 years ! Lol 

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It’s pot luck you can meet a nice steady bird alls good, then after a few years they go effing crackers, normally same time they’ve reached 18 stone and a minge like a Brillo pad. These modern birds don’t/ can’t cook, and tell the husband to do it, control freaks. 

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4 minutes ago, Qbgrey said:

It’s pot luck you can meet a nice steady bird alls good, then after a few years they go effing crackers, normally same time they’ve reached 18 stone and a minge like a Brillo pad. These modern birds don’t/ can’t cook, and tell the husband to do it, control freaks. 

Do you think people go nuts for absolutely no reason though mate ?……I mean, you don’t just go along for 5 or 10 or 15 years being tidy and then wake up nuts surely ?

There must be a descending state of behaviours from one or both sides that leads to that point ?…….so who’s at fault ?, the person who went nuts or the two people that failed to stop it and recognise and deal with it at some point ? 

I’ve know a few blokes go off just about the time their old women is reaching middle age citing “she’s hell to live with ?”……..what?, after raising the kids and putting up with washing some blokes dirty pants for 20 years she is reaching a really hard stage in a woman’s life so these geezers f**k off and leave her and it’s her fault ?!!……I always think “grow up” !

I think a breakdown of a relationship is a different thing to actual continued mental behaviours.


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22 minutes ago, jukel123 said:

Jealousy,jealousy,the root of evil.

Your becoming quite homophobic Jukel,heaven forbid a Syrian or Nigerian transsexual ever accidentally bumps into you in one of the “young men,but not poofter” clubs you frequent nowadays.

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