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2 minutes ago, Astanley said:

I'm sure there are loads of self confident ,quiet unassuming chaps in the game ,they don't tend to gravitate to door work though .

Ahh, door work is like any other aspect of life in all fairness mate, you meet some really nice top quality lads and you meet some real pricks......that’s not the sole domain of door work but I totally get where you are coming from.

Some jobs just attract more pricks than others and unfortunately door work is one of them.

That said, it must get a bit “old” sorting out skinny f***ing runts absolutely out of their canister all night, every night.....I suppose after a while you can just get into a “zero tolerance” mindset and treat everyone the same, you ain’t interested in their explanations any more I suppose ? 

Id also guess that being a door man now is more dangerous than its ever been, even the skinniest little midget seems perfectly prepared to stick a knife in someone these days.

But as I say, I have also met some genuinely nice, warm people working doors......in fact one of the ones who I was told was the most to be feared was also one of the nicest, a real gent.


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I saw a black belt in Origami get challenged once.........he just folded !            I’ll get my coat..........

Fact of the matter is, most martial arts is all Kata......nothing ever happens in real time in realistic situations. Boxing you spar, it’s in real time. Even BJJ is more realistic than most

The reality is if you was about to have a straightener with someone and they pitched up with a Jackie Chan stance you'd blow a raspberry at them....them early Ufc's were about finding out what worked

21 minutes ago, WILF said:

Ahh, door work is like any other aspect of life in all fairness mate, you meet some really nice top quality lads and you meet some real pricks......that’s not the sole domain of door work but I totally get where you are coming from.

Some jobs just attract more pricks than others and unfortunately door work is one of them.

That said, it must get a bit “old” sorting out skinny f***ing runts absolutely out of their canister all night, every night.....I suppose after a while you can just get into a “zero tolerance” mindset and treat everyone the same, you ain’t interested in their explanations any more I suppose ? 

Id also guess that being a door man now is more dangerous than its ever been, even the skinniest little midget seems perfectly prepared to stick a knife in someone these days.

But as I say, I have also met some genuinely nice, warm people working doors......in fact one of the ones who I was told was the most to be feared was also one of the nicest, a real gent.


I wasn't meaning doorman generally mate ,as you say ,some good ,some not so much ,...I was referring to martial artists who go in for door work ,it seems to attract the worst of those sports .

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4 minutes ago, Astanley said:

I wasn't meaning doorman generally mate ,as you say ,some good ,some not so much ,...I was referring to martial artists who go in for door work ,it seems to attract the worst of those sports .

Ahh, very good, sorry I misunderstood mate ?

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The reality is if you was about to have a straightener with someone and they pitched up with a Jackie Chan stance you'd blow a raspberry at them....them early Ufc's were about finding out what worked in a real fight and what doesnt.....that clip at the start and the fact that nobody has ever used it is pretty much self explanatory.

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Seen a few bods get wrapped up with that wing chun and krav maga,although I'm no expert on it though,I suspect that wing chun only works with certain people certain times,like all those martial arts,even some fellas I know who are very good in certain martial arts won't resort to it if someone stuck it on them,just weigh them in with a left hook?but I've also known rough men who are nasty with it when needs be deal with people with martial arts but again I think that was wing chun?I know somebody who reckons it's never let him down yet,personally I'd say there's a bit of ? talk there but I know he's about all that and loves it

There's so many variables with these things isn't there,but personally for me like mentioned,you're more likely to get knocked by a big right hander than you are with all that other stuff,but will say I do have a bit of time for wing chun from the little I've seen of it,I'd say it has it's place some times ?‍♂️

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Jeet Kun do was the pre curser to MMA and was the brainchild of Bruce lee who combined many martial arts and boxing as he was fed up of fights taking so long with strategic set moves that don’t really work in the real world. 
he simplified everything down to finishing a fight quick. For example instead of a Jordan Geri which is taught in karate ( kick to the head ) he teaches kicks to the groin knees etc such as wing Chung teaches. You can kick somebody in the balls quicker and with more balance than you can the head and once they’ve buckled down then kick them in the head if you want. 
In confined spaces he teaches grapples blocks holds and chokes rather than trying to kick or throw a punch. 

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Nice one socks 

What's that other martial art boys they reckon is lethal,nin jit su is it?all throat strikes an things 

Yeah I think that's what a lot of it comes down to a lot of those martial arts don't work in the real world when something comes off 

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Ninjitsu isn’t really a specific martial art it’s the guea tactics that were used by the Japanese ninja and included martial arts archery horse skills information collection etc. 

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Actually, Wilf; I attended a woefully short series of classes in at least one form of instruction and practice that they termed " Ninjitsu " - probably for lack of any other, acceptable term? Probably barely managed half a dozen sessions, before life fukked me.

Short experience. But here's a Long post. Just a few random insights? I'm sure the gathered audience will add no end of " LMFAO " type comments. And repeat how they've 'Heard of' plenty of these 'Karate' blokes getting 'Rinsed' etc.

That's fine. Socks thinks it's " guea tactics "(?!) You think it's brilliantly funny. That's fine too. All I'm saying is I actually went along and got a taste of it.

First thing? When I phoned the contact and said I'd like to come along, I mentioned I'd have to get a new suite, as I'd lost mine since my karate week.

Right there. Wrong! I could hear him mentally shuffle his feet as he tried to formulate a Polite way of saying; " Fukking white suites, you Kunt! What would we mince around in white suites for?! "

I seem to remember he finally settled on a very gentle suggestion that this game was more " Combat " oriented. Sort of' Do you wear a 'Gi' when walking home from the pub?!'

That's one. I got there and, Two; The instructors name was Andy. Guess what we all addressed him as? No one was in crisp white. I don't remember a range of coloured belts? No one took me aside for the first of a few evenings being taught how to hold my fist.

Random other stuff? Andy demonstrating how one should strike the side of the jaw. Beneath the ear. Because it's weakest there so breaks easier! :icon_eek:

Me, on the floor. Some kunt doing his level best to murder me. Me using nasty stuff no Dojo had ever taught me. Andy appearing. Getting down beside us and saying; " That's very good, KD! Now, bite his thigh. See if That'll make him let go! " :icon_eek: :icon_eek: Bite?! Fukking Bite ones opponent?!

  There's this thing you could do, literally with your hands tied behind your back. Sort of one, short step. Bend your knee. Other guy goes flying, and almost certainly with a smashed knee joint! :icon_eek:

 It's SO fukking dangerous though, I genuinely never got up the nerve to try and show my mate. I could cripple him so easily. And, I mean in a slow motion, 'What's my line', with a sofa beside him sort of scenario. No. Fukk That! Your knee's not made to do what That one makes it try to do! * Shudders! *

And, as for the night that fukker simply touched somewhere on my upper arm, and I performed a somersault I was in No Way physically capable of performing?!? WTF was That all about?! Yes! 'Nerve / Pressure Points' really Do exist!

So, there you have it. From someone who actually went along and had some of it. They called it " Ninjitsu ". I guess; " How To Hospitalise That Kunt Who Follows You Out Of The Pub, When All Bets Are Off " wouldn't have the same ring to it.

But, yeah. That was basically their ethos. It was fukking Brilliant! :toast:

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Yeah that's pretty much what I've heard about it?

There's all sorts of ways to end it on the street isn't there,let's have it right,most times it's a case of who is gamer and gets in first,don't matter what you're doing,if you get it off first you're on the upper hand,nothing moody about a swift elbow all up your nose and lips?one old boy I know reckons best thing to do is a push kick right up the gut,he done a lot of Thai boxing and reckons he's knocked the wind out of people doing that before agg properly has a chance to begin?‍♂️

I'm a boxing man through and through personally,don't mind a bit of mma,mainly due to the fact that the right fight happens at the right time and fights happen more regular which is something boxing could learn from, but at the end of the day in real life who dares wins when push comes to shove.,,none of it matters if some mad c**t wants to cut you up or shoot you

Some men couldn't fight sleep but will pick something up and put it right through you or smash you right in the forehead with it,at that point it doesn't really matter how you frame up does it?


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53 minutes ago, Greb147 said:

Origami is the most deadly martial art.... 

I saw a black belt in Origami get challenged once.........he just folded ! 





I’ll get my coat..........

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