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Jogger Pushes Woman

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Police hunting a jogger who appeared to push a woman into the path of a bus on Putney Bridge have arrested a man.

The Met Police said a 41-year-old was detained at an address in Chelsea on Thursday morning on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.

The arrest comes after CCTV footage was released that showed the woman, 33, narrowly avoid serious injury due to the bus driver's quick reactions.

The suspect is in custody at a south London police station, the Met said.

On Wednesday, the force said it had received a "huge response" to its appeal for information.

CCTV of the incident, which happened on 5 May, was issued earlier in the week in an effort to trace the jogger after police attempts to establish his identity had failed.

The footage shows a man barging the woman to the ground and off the pavement, into the road.

The bus can then be seen swerving to avoid the woman's head.

Afterwards the driver stopped the bus, at which point several passengers got off and went to help the victim.

About 15 minutes later the jogger came back the other way across the bridge.

The woman, who received minor injuries, tried to speak to him but he did not acknowledge her and carried on jogging.

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Cou     Sounds like you're still not over her.

It wasn't pre-planned,the guy was odd,almost as if it was an afterthought as he jogs past her,thats why I always stand with my back to the wall in underground stations,you just never know what spur of

Takes one to know one.

The Putney pusher.

Years ago there was a book written,not a common book,it speculated on a serial killer working the London underground pushing people under the tube in the underground a bit the same as the Manchester canal pusher theory.

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The Putney pusher.

Years ago there was a book written,not a common book,it speculated on a serial killer working the London underground pushing people under the tube in the underground a bit the same as the Manchester canal pusher theory.

Sure I watch a documentary about them . Was it loads if gay folk falling into canals and drowning and they reckon they were pushed ?


Yes mate,theres a theory in certain quarters its a serial killer who pushes them in to drown,no murder weapon,no incriminating evidence at the scene,make sure theres no cameras on certain sections of tow-path,hang around after dark,..............

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he swerves in to her an she as tight to the curb as she could get,

No she isn't she walking on the hedge of the shaded bit and he is jogging in a straight line , watching that vid slowly it looks like she takes a step towards him while trying to kick him.. maybe am wrong but it definitely looks like she try's to kick him first

well if you use the edge of the shade as a guideline she stepping out to avoid him. if they been driving he was on the wrong side the road he had plenty of time and space to avoid the woman and she lucky to be alive a second earlier an she been in under a fcukn bus
She 100% tried to kick or trip him. I can see why he pushed her out of anger but he defo shouldn't have.
I'm not seeing the kick. On the video that Mackem put up, it looks like she's shoved as soon as her right foot touches the floor while she's walking.
I couldnt see it either

It's no kick, just a reaction to the shove

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A university professor embroiled in a row over claims a serial killer could be stalking Greater Manchester’s waterways says he has been contacted by bereaved families ‘alarmed’ by the high number of deaths.

Professor Craig Jackson, has hit back at Greater Manchester Police’s dismissal of his theory that 61 deaths in less than seven years across the region’s canals and rivers could be down to foul play.


Prof Jackson, of Birmingham City University, also suggested GMP could ‘better understand’ how the deaths came about with the use of new criminology techniques.

We have latest updates on the row which is continuing today in our live blog.

He said: “What is important, is to recognise the very real concerns of dozens of individuals who have this week contacted me to give details about some of the deaths involved, including relatives of some of the deceased, and the genuinely alarming number of bodies found.

“It is unlikely that such a high number of cases are the result of just accidents or suicides as canals are not popular suicide spots, especially for men.

“It is also worthy of further consideration that canals are popular sites for the disposal of bodies, a factor which inevitably invites speculation, unwarranted or otherwise.

“GMP has established the cause of death in some of the 61 cases and in many others the coroner may have determined that foul play was unlikely.

“My role will be to emphasise the use of new techniques that can help in understanding criminal behaviour, such as geographical profiling and other elements of investigative psychology which might prove useful in helping GMP to better understand what has happened and give reassurance to anyone in Manchester with notable concerns.


Prof Jackson added behavioural and criminological studies show that gay men are among those people at increased likelihood of attack from serial predators.

He said: “Studies of predatory serial offenders show that isolated and secluded areas, such as waterways, populated by drunk or drugged individuals who are suggestable and compliant, and who may be from minority groups who are usually overlooked in society, can provide ideal circumstances for those committing serial crimes.”

One of the deaths cited by Prof Jackson was of Chris Brahney, 22, from Timperley, who was found in the Manchester Ship Canal ten days after disappearing from a Stone Roses gig in Heaton Park in June 2012.

At his inquest, deputy coroner Joanne Kearsley admitted she simply couldn’t say how he ended up in the water.

In another death, student Souvik Pal, 18, was found dead in the Bridgewater Canal three weeks after he had been thrown out of a New Year’s Eve party at the Warehouse Project in Trafford Park.

He had been seen walking away from the venue with a mystery man.

Prof Jackson said the number of bodies recovered - nearly one a month - is much higher than for similar cities with bars and clubs located near stretches of water and canals, such as London, Nottingham or Birmingham.

He added that he’s looking forward to meeting detectives and discussing the issue. He said: “I very much welcome the opportunity to meet with GMP and consider the issues. At this stage any suggestion of foul play and of serial murder in the area is supposition and further consideration of the facts remains essential.”


He said: “What is very important to bear in mind in all these cases is that they have been subject to separate investigations and there is no evidence at all to suggest these deaths are linked or were suspicious.

“On some occasions, people have been charged with offences relevant to that particular investigation.

"Whilst in other cases, it remains uncertain how people came to be in the water, in many other cases the circumstances have been established following thorough investigations.


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The Putney pusher.


Years ago there was a book written,not a common book,it speculated on a serial killer working the London underground pushing people under the tube in the underground a bit the same as the Manchester canal pusher theory.

Sure I watch a documentary about them . Was it loads if gay folk falling into canals and drowning and they reckon they were pushed ?

Yes mate,theres a theory in certain quarters its a serial killer who pushes them in to drown,no murder weapon,no incriminating evidence at the scene,make sure theres no cameras on certain sections of tow-path,hang around after dark,..............

That CeeJay off of Eggheads was arrested for something like thar.

Later released I think.


Cheers, D.

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The Putney pusher.

Years ago there was a book written,not a common book,it speculated on a serial killer working the London underground pushing people under the tube in the underground a bit the same as the Manchester canal pusher theory.

Sure I watch a documentary about them . Was it loads if gay folk falling into canals and drowning and they reckon they were pushed ?


Yes mate,theres a theory in certain quarters its a serial killer who pushes them in to drown,no murder weapon,no incriminating evidence at the scene,make sure theres no cameras on certain sections of tow-path,hang around after dark,..............



A: How does he know which ones are gay just by walking along the canal?

b: How does he know which ones can't swim?

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Should of just did a proper job and chinned her

Why stop there Lurcher? Why not just rape the bitch for a laugh? :blink:


I'm amazed about this whole thing. Amazed that it happened, amazed that the guy questioned has been banded around everywhere (last I read, he has an alibi as he was in the USA), amazed that anyone would do such a thing in Blighty. I could cry for my country and the society we have lost, that our children will never experience ever again.

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