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As we head towards a general election we keep hearing about/being told about poverty, austerity and how people are struggling....we are fed this diet by media and every party except the conservatives.

You know what annoys me is people in this country who arent on the bread line are quick to blame the less fortunate for "bleeding the country" all our woes from the burden on the NHS to cuts in the pu

Not all do.f***ing reality tv to blame for that misconception. I have a mate who is bringing up his 8year old son by himself after his wife f****d off.He works part time and by f**k he works hard for

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If I want something I save up for it, if I cant save enough I dont fukcing get it, is that such an alien concept, if more people, working and on benifits lived within their means there wouldnt be so much so called poverty

Define within their means?

Not arguing but if you had to save up to buy it, no one I know could outright own anything

The only lad in my circle flourishing has a grow in the loft

Speaks volumes really

It's easy to get self righteous about ordinary folk borrowing money, whilst forgetting most of us have mortgages & half the worlds run on borrowed money! Haha....



I dunno if I've misrepresented myself on this thread, but I agree with that entirely. I've had a bit of a moan about us 'poor' taking responsibility for our actions regarding credit but I've also said that credit used wisely (and that doesn't take a degree) is a great tool. I've had personal loans, student loans, credit cards, mortgage and it's got me a step up.


I'm not commenting on folks that genuinely have had a very unfortunate run of luck in life and as such find themselves on their arse. I'm talking about regular 'poor' folk, that have a piss poor attitude to life. I get told often by these that "you're lucky" and frankly they're delusional! I'm not lucky at all, I've made decisions that they wouldn't and lived a cautious life and now am moderately 'luckier' than them for it.

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Throughout our history

The story's been the same.

It's the rich that get the pleasure -

And the poor that get the blame !


Not from what I read constantly on this site and frankly coming out of every 'working man's' mouth. Haven't you heard? Apparently it's not the poor hard done by working man's fault for taking a loan that he can't manage, it's the lender's fault! See that's how society works now, we're not responsible for our own actions, it's every one else's fault. Makes perfect sense to me!


Why do the British hate freedom and responsibility so much?


I can see Labour having a landslide. It's straight out of their mantra.


My nephew was made redundant. He has two kids. His rent was astronomical but for some reckon technical reason he couldn't get any help from the state. I paid his rent for two months and lent him a grand. I'm no do-gooder but if I hadn't helped him out he would have been in the clutches of the loan sharks charging1250% apr. Eventually I wrote off his rent, but I insisted on him repaying the grand, gradually, with no interest... when he got back on his feet. If I hadn't helped he would have owed, on that one thousand pounds, the sum of £1250000. That would have knackered him for life.

Yet these loan companies are considered a normal part of British life! The owners and directors of these companies wander round in business suits yet they are bigger thugs than your average back street lender. No doubt they receive knighthoods and other gongs from their mates in high places for their contribution to british industry. They should be in jail.

There's no doubt in my mind that working class life has become a lot harder over the years. The biggest con is that it now takes two wages to run a home. They've even brainwashed women into thinking they'd get bored at home and need to be out in the workplace for intellectual fulfilment or some such bullshit. That one change in british life causes no end of stress and guilt on both partners. A woman should at least be allowed to get her kids into school before she's forced out into the workplace, especially now she's got to work until she's 68 before she gets a pension.

One wage should be enough to run a household. As it is man and wife are working crazy hours for absolute washers just to pay bills.

Bring back the days when a man could support his family on his wage and feel like a man with his tea on the table when he finished work. Everybody has been taught to bleat 'that's sexist'. No it's not, it's common sense and a much better way to live.

Good thread this Nik B.Funny how left and right share the same beliefs on an issue like this.

Edited by jukel123
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Throughout our history

The story's been the same.

It's the rich that get the pleasure -

And the poor that get the blame !


Not from what I read constantly on this site and frankly coming out of every 'working man's' mouth. Haven't you heard? Apparently it's not the poor hard done by working man's fault for taking a loan that he can't manage, it's the lender's fault! See that's how society works now, we're not responsible for our own actions, it's every one else's fault. Makes perfect sense to me!


Why do the British hate freedom and responsibility so much?


I can see Labour having a landslide. It's straight out of their mantra.


My nephew was made redundant. He has two kids. His rent was astronomical but for some reckon technical reason he couldn't get any help from the state. I paid his rent for two months and lent him a grand. I'm no do-gooder but if I hadn't helped him out he would have been in the clutches of the loan sharks charging1250% apr. Eventually I wrote off his rent, but I insisted on him repaying the grand, gradually, with no interest... when he got back on his feet. If I hadn't helped he would have owed, on that one thousand pounds, the sum of £1250000. That would have knackered him for life.



I would prefer not to discuss a personal matter for you. But I think you have done ya sums wrong mate. Payday loans don't last a year so APR can't be applied over a full year.




If these companies didn't charge high APR then they wouldn't make enough on such high risk debtors to be economically viable.


Besides, as a borrower, if you can't afford the debt but 'need' the money, taking it is just adding to a growing pile of shit and kicking it down the road a couple months. The lenders are not forcing it on you. It's not their fault for your mess and it's not their fault that their product will cause you a bigger mess if you take it. All that's your responsibility. Or should be but apparently the consensus is that it's someone elses fault?

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Throughout our history

The story's been the same.

It's the rich that get the pleasure -

And the poor that get the blame !


Not from what I read constantly on this site and frankly coming out of every 'working man's' mouth. Haven't you heard? Apparently it's not the poor hard done by working man's fault for taking a loan that he can't manage, it's the lender's fault! See that's how society works now, we're not responsible for our own actions, it's every one else's fault. Makes perfect sense to me!


Why do the British hate freedom and responsibility so much?


I can see Labour having a landslide. It's straight out of their mantra.


My nephew was made redundant. He has two kids. His rent was astronomical but for some reckon technical reason he couldn't get any help from the state. I paid his rent for two months and lent him a grand. I'm no do-gooder but if I hadn't helped him out he would have been in the clutches of the loan sharks charging1250% apr. Eventually I wrote off his rent, but I insisted on him repaying the grand, gradually, with no interest... when he got back on his feet. If I hadn't helped he would have owed, on that one thousand pounds, the sum of £1250000. That would have knackered him for life.



I would prefer not to discuss a personal matter for you. But I think you have done ya sums wrong mate. Payday loans don't last a year so APR can't be applied over a full year.




If these companies didn't charge high APR then they wouldn't make enough on such high risk debtors to be economically viable.


Besides, as a borrower, if you can't afford the debt but 'need' the money, taking it is just adding to a growing pile of shit and kicking it down the road a couple months. The lenders are not forcing it on you. It's not their fault for your mess and it's not their fault that their product will cause you a bigger mess if you take it. All that's your responsibility. Or should be but apparently the consensus is that it's someone elses fault?


Totally agree......make and sign a deal and then cry victim when you,ve had your fun.

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I just looked again at 'Quickquid' the payday lender I was on about. I was mistaken the APR is 1295%, more than I quoted.. Fair enough you are supposed to repay the loan within a few months but that's how they draw you in for life because, inevitably, borrowers cannot afford to pay the debt within a few months. Hence the vicious cycle.

I cannot understand you defending these companies. They should be outlawed.

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And honestly folks, I'm sure you all think I'm a right elitist c**t but all this is driven from the belief that I want to live as a free man, I don't want protecting from every little bad in the world, I don't want the government to take half my money and give me a shit sandwich back to save me having to make my own sandwich. No f****r knows what's best for me better than me and I'll not hold anyone else accountable for my mistakes.


There are genuine cases out there of folks having a shitty run of luck and I accept that society should probably shoulder their burden. But I'll not shoulder anything for folks claiming ignorance when I'm in the same boat but chose a different, more cautious path to walk.

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I just looked again at 'Quickquid' the payday lender I was on about. I was mistaken the APR is 1295%, more than I quoted.. Fair enough you are supposed to repay the loan within a few months but that's how they draw you in for life because, inevitably, borrowers cannot afford to pay the debt within a few months. Hence the vicious cycle.

I cannot understand you defending these companies. They should be outlawed.


Because it's legitimate business that is regulated to stop the debt getting to be even a tiny fraction of what you claimed it to be and all outlawing it would do is further protect people from their own stupidity. I'm not stupid and frankly I find it insulting how as a society we seem to beg the government to protect us from our own stupidity.


Keep taking away citizens responsibility and they'll happily continue to become more irresponsible. It's no solution! Maybe I give the average man on the street (like me!) too much credit? Maybe he does need his arse wiping for him and spoon feeding?

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I just looked again at 'Quickquid' the payday lender I was on about. I was mistaken the APR is 1295%, more than I quoted.. Fair enough you are supposed to repay the loan within a few months but that's how they draw you in for life because, inevitably, borrowers cannot afford to pay the debt within a few months. Hence the vicious cycle.

I cannot understand you defending these companies. They should be outlawed.


Because it's legitimate business that is regulated to stop the debt getting to be even a tiny fraction of what you claimed it to be and all outlawing it would do is further protect people from their own stupidity. I'm not stupid and frankly I find it insulting how as a society we seem to beg the government to protect us from our own stupidity.


Keep taking away citizens responsibility and they'll happily continue to become more irresponsible. It's no solution! Maybe I give the average man on the street (like me!) too much credit? Maybe he does need his arse wiping for him and spoon feeding?


I understand that mate.(And certainly don't think you're a c**t. You are just wrong. :laugh:) But there's no slack in the system. If you're made redundant the state should help you out. Your landlord shouldn't be able to evict you as easily as they can. Modern Britain is a lot more vicious than it was.

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Well I'm glad you took that in the friendly, albeit passionately expressed, way it was intended. I was wondering if I'd come back on and find a lynch mob waiting with you and BGD ringleaders! LOL LOL

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Well I'm glad you took that in the friendly, albeit passionately expressed, way it was intended. I was wondering if I'd come back on and find a lynch mob waiting with you and BGD ringleaders! LOL LOL

I might round up a lynch mob, if you call me a socialist again ! ;)

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Throughout our history

The story's been the same.It's the rich that get the pleasure -

And the poor that get the blame !


Not from what I read constantly on this site and frankly coming out of every 'working man's' mouth. Haven't you heard? Apparently it's not the poor hard done by working man's fault for taking a loan that he can't manage, it's the lender's fault! See that's how society works now, we're not responsible for our own actions, it's every one else's fault. Makes perfect sense to me!


Why do the British hate freedom and responsibility so much?


I can see Labour having a landslide. It's straight out of their mantra.

My nephew was made redundant. He has two kids. His rent was astronomical but for some reckon technical reason he couldn't get any help from the state. I paid his rent for two months and lent him a grand. I'm no do-gooder but if I hadn't helped him out he would have been in the clutches of the loan sharks charging1250% apr. Eventually I wrote off his rent, but I insisted on him repaying the grand, gradually, with no interest... when he got back on his feet. If I hadn't helped he would have owed, on that one thousand pounds, the sum of £1250000. That would have knackered him for life.

Yet these loan companies are considered a normal part of British life! The owners and directors of these companies wander round in business suits yet they are bigger thugs than your average back street lender. No doubt they receive knighthoods and other gongs from their mates in high places for their contribution to british industry. They should be in jail.

There's no doubt in my mind that working class life has become a lot harder over the years. The biggest con is that it now takes two wages to run a home. They've even brainwashed women into thinking they'd get bored at home and need to be out in the workplace for intellectual fulfilment or some such bullshit. That one change in british life causes no end of stress and guilt on both partners. A woman should at least be allowed to get her kids into school before she's forced out into the workplace, especially now she's got to work until she's 68 before she gets a pension.

One wage should be enough to run a household. As it is man and wife are working crazy hours for absolute washers just to pay bills.

Bring back the days when a man could support his family on his wage and feel like a man with his tea on the table when he finished work. Everybody has been taught to bleat 'that's sexist'. No it's not, it's common sense and a much better way to live.

Good thread this Nik B.Funny how left and right share the same beliefs on an issue like this.

I absolutely agree with that, the effect of not having stay at home mums (or dads) are being felt massively in society.

And it's an absolute fact that kids do better when they have a stable home with one parent in attendance all the time.

I was a school guvenor as was my wife before I left England and I saw it first hand.


Not only have we sacrificed our kids future earnings we have sacrificed their welfare in return for the great tax grab and throwing consumers on the alter of corporate masters.

Consumers matter more than family and well rounded kids and that's a fact.

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And honestly folks, I'm sure you all think I'm a right elitist c**t but all this is driven from the belief that I want to live as a free man, I don't want protecting from every little bad in the world, I don't want the government to take half my money and give me a shit sandwich back to save me having to make my own sandwich. No f****r knows what's best for me better than me and I'll not hold anyone else accountable for my mistakes.


There are genuine cases out there of folks having a shitty run of luck and I accept that society should probably shoulder their burden. But I'll not shoulder anything for folks claiming ignorance when I'm in the same boat but chose a different, more cautious path to walk.


How would it effect us if we banned usury,as most civilisations have?


It would stop irresponsible people from having to be saved by the state because of debt,because like it or not especially in a democracy people are going to force the state to save people from their own mistakes.


There are other benefits too,but what's the downside?

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Throughout our history

The story's been the same.It's the rich that get the pleasure -

And the poor that get the blame !

Not from what I read constantly on this site and frankly coming out of every 'working man's' mouth. Haven't you heard? Apparently it's not the poor hard done by working man's fault for taking a loan that he can't manage, it's the lender's fault! See that's how society works now, we're not responsible for our own actions, it's every one else's fault. Makes perfect sense to me!


Why do the British hate freedom and responsibility so much?


I can see Labour having a landslide. It's straight out of their mantra.

My nephew was made redundant. He has two kids. His rent was astronomical but for some reckon technical reason he couldn't get any help from the state. I paid his rent for two months and lent him a grand. I'm no do-gooder but if I hadn't helped him out he would have been in the clutches of the loan sharks charging1250% apr. Eventually I wrote off his rent, but I insisted on him repaying the grand, gradually, with no interest... when he got back on his feet. If I hadn't helped he would have owed, on that one thousand pounds, the sum of £1250000. That would have knackered him for life.

Yet these loan companies are considered a normal part of British life! The owners and directors of these companies wander round in business suits yet they are bigger thugs than your average back street lender. No doubt they receive knighthoods and other gongs from their mates in high places for their contribution to british industry. They should be in jail.

There's no doubt in my mind that working class life has become a lot harder over the years. The biggest con is that it now takes two wages to run a home. They've even brainwashed women into thinking they'd get bored at home and need to be out in the workplace for intellectual fulfilment or some such bullshit. That one change in british life causes no end of stress and guilt on both partners. A woman should at least be allowed to get her kids into school before she's forced out into the workplace, especially now she's got to work until she's 68 before she gets a pension.

One wage should be enough to run a household. As it is man and wife are working crazy hours for absolute washers just to pay bills.

Bring back the days when a man could support his family on his wage and feel like a man with his tea on the table when he finished work. Everybody has been taught to bleat 'that's sexist'. No it's not, it's common sense and a much better way to live.

Good thread this Nik B.Funny how left and right share the same beliefs on an issue like this.

I absolutely agree with that, the effect of not having stay at home mums (or dads) are being felt massively in society.

And it's an absolute fact that kids do better when they have a stable home with one parent in attendance all the time.

I was a school guvenor as was my wife before I left England and I saw it first hand.


Not only have we sacrificed our kids future earnings we have sacrificed their welfare in return for the great tax grab and throwing consumers on the alter of corporate masters.

Consumers matter more than family and well rounded kids and that's a fact.


It's official. Will and myself have formed the Wilf/Jukel right/ left alliance. It's McGuiness and Paisley mark 2. We will now jointly solve the planet's problems exclusively on THL. You heard it here first. :thumbs:

Wilf, I'm not slacking honestly, but I've a pre-arranged holiday next week. Will you take the reins on your own while I'm away? No turning ultra right whilst my back's turned now.

PS.I'm going to Barcelona. Hoping to visit the spot where George Orwell fought the fascists. :thumbs:

Edited by jukel123
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