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Pointless Poaching

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Good for you but the reality for a lot of sporting hunters is to ditch the game , I find it deplorable as well but sadly it's an everyday occurrence

And that's exactly the problem. It shows to many of the wrong people in the hunting world.

When I was about 12 I shot my first woodcock. First barrel. I dropped it on a forestry track. I didn't have a dog. It got up and walked off so I shot it running away. I blew it in half.

I was so proud I'd shot one I carried it to show my grandad and he f***ing went through me. I never did it again.

Some folk learn and respect. Some don't!!

he went through you ?
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Lamped 8 of them with a crossbow, and dumped all of them, in a 4 hour period?


They had no intention of using the meat. Not even some of it. They wanted to see how great their crossbows were.


The source article reads...



Needless to say the poachers didn’t bother logging their deer or asking permission to hunt on the private properties. Their charges include trespassing, hunting deer with spotlights, hunting deer after nightfall, hunting from a vehicle, shooting from a roadway, hunting in a safety zone, hunting on private land without permission, failure to report harvested deer, wanton waste of deer, false entry in public record, possessing a loaded crossbow in a vehicle, and illegal dumping.


They drove their car down the highway at night. Stopped and shot the deer that were grazing on the roadside, and drove on. If you saw how easy this could be, over here in rural USA, you wouldn't call them poachers... Just arseholes.

Edited by ChrisJones
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Just think it's funny that two kids are being used as an example when in reality it's an everyday occurrence


I went out with some lads (Travellers) and I picked up every thing they chucked. They thought I was mad.

Walking back to the motor, one of their dogs ran off with a rabbit and didn't come back until it ate it. Oh how I laughed :laugh: .

Needless to say I don't go out with them any more. Proper wound me up.


I mentioned Travellers because is isn't the first time it has happened and I haven't seen it before with anyone else. Its as if they can't be bothered to deal with the carcase. I hope I'm wrong and it's just a young man thing.

I also mentioned it to other more reputable Travellers and they said "yeh, they's just little chicken nugget c**ts." :laugh:

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As far as I am concerned, if you don't want to deal with a carcass DON'T HUNT. What do you just want to see how many animals you can kill? Is that a joke? Doing the easy part and neglecting the hard (but most rewarding) work is the saddest thing I have ever heard of. I admit as a teenager I wanted to kill anything and everything and didn't want to deal with the blood and guts, but basically it was because I lacked guidance. I hope young kids learn the error of their ways and more experienced hunters can teach respect for land and quarry or there is no future for hunting anywhere.

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I know lads who have lamped for 20 years plus but leave the lot lying


Don't think this is uncommon, in fact I'd say that it is the normal m o nearly every lurcher lad I know


Met three lads who pick stuff up


Must add I do like to pick stuff up myself

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Pisses me off when people just leave stuff where it drops especially when rabbits low on my perms & a local farmer ?‍? goes out at nite & shoots 30-40 plus rbts hares & just leaves them & he wont let anyone on his land especially lads with dogs. Just dont get it!! Atb

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I know lads who have lamped for 20 years plus but leave the lot lying


Don't think this is uncommon, in fact I'd say that it is the normal m o nearly every lurcher lad I know


Met three lads who pick stuff up


Must add I do like to pick stuff up myself


Would it be that common with deer though? :hmm:


This end I'd say it's more common than you think. When silly season starts we're constantly finding deer carcasses with the antlers/skull/loins missing. Depends on the size of the animal. These two lads, looking at the report, just decided to drive out one night and start hitting them from the side of the road with a crossbow. Saying that I know a lad that shoots rabbits with a .300WInMag, for practice... I guess some people just want to kill things.


Now we're onto the tricky bit... How do you define a sportsman as opposed to a killer?

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