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What she done now?

she said sorry on behalf of you and the uk for all the problems we have caused , shed a few tears , gonna bring a few refugees back in her rucksack and be a little angel then release a remix of someone elses music and genrally act a cnt

Edited by green lurchers
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Another talentless brat who has not lived / living in the real world , she Certanily isn't talking for the majority of British people , these people actually believe there own importance when the reality is the majority see them for what they are .

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Another talentless brat who has not lived / living in the real world , she Certanily isn't talking for the majority of British people , these people actually believe there own importance when the reality is the majority see them for what they are .


Thats where people like you and me's thinking is half wrong/half right


The majority of the UK do see them for what they are . Problem is they dont spend ANY time with "Normal" people in the UK . The people the socialise and see and interact with for 98% of their life will be people exactly like them . When they go out on the piss they socialise with their own kind(celebrities etc) . They dont stand at the bar and strike up a conversation with "Terry the office worker " or "dave the builder" . That in itself isnt a problem . It is what it is . But the people they talk to and spend most of their time with will probably be exactly the same as them . I imagine Lilly allen's phone was white hot with other rich , famous people congratulating her on her humanitarian work . If thats the feedback they get then obviously they wont care . Kim Kardashian to me is everything thats wrong with celebrity these days . She doesnt have a talent (apart from being a master at PR and making money) that has brought her her fortunes . Majority of people dont begrudge anybody no matter how knobbish or annoying making fortunes if they are the top of their tree at something . Tyson Fury proves this . Kim kardashians group of people she speaks and sees all will kiss her arse relentlessly or see her as some great person . Kanye West is a bordeline decent rapper in his chosen field . Theirs loads better than him . The guy has a ego the size of the universe because everybody around him has kissed his arse for so long he now thinks of himself as the king of music .


Kind of lost my trail of thought while writing that but basically they wont care about what the vast percentage think because in their own bubble they wont be chastised for it . They will be glorified for whatever reason they intended to get from the situation .

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